优先使用iostream进行I / O
SL.io.3: Prefer iostreams for I/OSL.io.3:优先使用iostream进行I / OReason(原因)
iostreams are safe, flexible, and extensible.
iostream安全 , 灵活且可扩展 。
// write a complex number:complex
complex is a user-defined type and its I/O is defined without modifying the iostream library.
complex是用户定义的类型 , 无需修改iostream库即可定义其I / O 。
// read a file of complex numbers:for (complex
??? performance ???
??? 性能???
Discussion: iostreams vs. the printf() family
It is often (and often correctly) pointed out that the printf() family has two advantages compared to iostreams: flexibility of formatting and performance. This has to be weighed against iostreams advantages of extensibility to handle user-defined types, resilient against security violations, implicit memory management, and locale handling.
人们经常(经常正确地)指出 , 与iostream相比 , printf()函数群具有两个优点:格式化的灵活性和性能 。 必须权衡iostream的优势:处理用户定义的类型时的可扩展性 , 可抵御安全性违规 , 隐式内存管理和区域设置处理 。
If you need I/O performance, you can almost always do better than printf().
如果需要保证I / O性能 , iostream几乎可以总是比printf()更好 。
gets(), scanf() using %s, and printf() using %s are security hazards (vulnerable to buffer overflow and generally error-prone). C11 defines some "optional extensions" that do extra checking of their arguments. If present in your C library, gets_s(), scanf_s(), and printf_s() might be safer alternatives, but they are still not type safe.
使用%s的gets() , scanf()和使用%s的printf()都有安全隐患(很容易造成缓冲区溢出并且通常容易出错) 。 C11定义了一些“可选扩展” , 对它们的参数进行了额外的检查 。 如果是在使用C语言库 , gets_s() , scanf_s()和printf_s()可能是更安全的选项 , 但它们仍然不是类型安全的 。
Optionally flag
【优先使用iostream进行I / O】#slio3-prefer-iostreams-for-io
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