
鲸鱼恐惧症不算是少见的症状,国内外鲸鱼爱好者论坛时不时会出现对这个问题的讨论,甚至有一个可以追述到古拉丁文的词来形容恐鲸症(cetaphobia: fear of whale)。我整理一下看过的相关资料,希望有一些能帮上忙。1.或许令你恐惧的是别的?有报告显示鲸鱼恐惧症往往伴随着别的恐惧症(@Eric Welter也提到了,但他们的关系并不是从属),如死亡恐惧症,大场景恐惧症,深海恐惧症。有可能是鲸鱼的出现在潜意识里暗示了你真正害怕的东西。可以试着剖析自己,『我到底在害怕什么』,用笔和纸写出来,越详细越好,然后找到一位可靠的朋友或家人,把你的自我剖析面对面倾诉出来。如果你恐惧的真的是别的,这种办法能帮助你真正定位恐惧的来源。2.其实用不着非得战胜这种恐惧,承认并接受这种感觉。真实的鲸鱼不容易见到,他的触发场景并不普遍,对我们的影响更不是不可避免的。如果不是从事极少数海洋工作必须面对鲸鱼,一般我们有机会见到的仅仅是照片或影像的鲸鱼,而这些画面没有人会强迫我们观看,所以跳过画面或者闭眼转向就好,没事的。3.你不是一个人有很多害怕鲸鱼的人,他们分享了自己的经历和治疗的方法。从相似的经历分享中,你也许可以得到指引和宽慰。一些恐鲸症的交流贴:Comments for Fear of whales,Cetaphobia: The Fear of Whales,Admitting to cetaphobia4.治疗如果对鲸鱼的恐惧已经影响到正常生活,那应该考虑咨询医生,接受专业的治疗。常见的治疗方案包括:1.系统脱敏疗法,2.催眠心理治疗,3.自我教育,4.冥想治疗法,5.积极视觉疗法。可以尝试google 上述关键词+『恐惧症』了解进一步信息。这里贴一份治疗恐鲸症的介绍。Treating and overcoming the fear of whales phobiaGradual desensitization is the best way of overcoming the fear of whales. The phobic should try to gather up courage and view videos or movies about these gigantic creatures. However, this therapy is best done under the guidance of a professional who can help one start small. For example, the phobic might be asked to simply think of whales, progressing on to viewing their pictures and movies gradually, each time overcoming the anxiety experienced though deep breathing, muscle relaxation etc.
Another technique that can help overcome most phobias is Hypnosis/hypnotherapy. This helps get to the root of the phobia and eliminate it completely. Others include NLP or the neurolinguistic programming and Cognitive behavior therapy.
【鲸鱼恐惧症咋治】Self education is also a must while trying to overcome the intense fear of whales. Whales are, by nature peaceful and will not intentionally harm humans. They are mammals that nurse their young. They usually live only in the deepest parts of the ocean. Some statistics will also show that human deaths owing to whales are few and rare.