钢之炼金术师op golden time lover的英语歌词
English TranslationEditI can\u0026#39;t keep focused, my body\u0026#39;s still wavering
Trembling like I am, my control is shaky
Both the sun and my luck have turned the other way,
but I whispered "I\u0026#39;ve gotta do it," to convince myself
The situation is bad, but I\u0026#39;ve got no guts if I run away
Nothing to look forward to, but I gotta have the grit to get past this
Gotta control my impulses and judge the distance to the target
What I need is the pride to win
Will I taste sweet victory, or bitter defeat?
Yeah, it\u0026#39;s all one or the other
Wish I could control the threads of fate
Take this perfect golden time tightly in hand
I\u0026#39;ll go at this with the best poker face I can muster
Dragged into a world of illusion,
slipping out of a boundless pressure game,
【钢之炼金术师op golden time lover的英语歌词】what does it take to leap across the glorious borderline?
How much will it cost me?
What is it I don\u0026#39;t want to let go of?
出自Golden Time Lover
谢邀(妈呀第一次写这两个字感觉好激动虽然我知道这是系统给题主的选择)不知道怎么打分割线。。。。好吧事实上我只听出来了第一句(题主别打我(?_?))fail in concertrating ………咳……其实我不知道介词是哪一个…但我确实听到concertrate 是分词形式…为什么确定是concertrate呢…因为日语歌词是这个意思(哎哟别打我)身为一个四级生死未卜的小白…我也只有…出来卖个萌了ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)
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