中国日报|《乘风破浪的姐姐》热播,年龄不是也不该是问题( 三 )

The entertainment industry has caused enough harm by tilting the scales in favor of youthful appearance over performance. This is disrespectful to all women, both young and old. The program has proved to be a hit with audiences. It shows how actresses above 30 have dreams just like their younger counterparts. All actresses should be given opportunities, irrespective of their age.
况且 , 谁没有年龄增长的时候 , 谁又敌得过自然规律?今天被以年龄论英雄 , 明天自己不就被清查了吗?这也是《乘风破浪的姐姐》打动人之处 。 女艺人不再是产品和标签 , 而是活生生、有血有肉的人 。
推而广之 , 这一现象仅存在于娱乐行业吗?那么多公司的招聘启事上 , 不都写着“35岁以下”吗?这样的年龄歧视也不仅仅发生在女性身上 。 改变以年龄论英雄 , 要做的事情还多着呢 。
作者:张周项 王晗