
最近 , 一档中国原创综艺备受瞩目 。 从网传嘉宾阵容到节目录制再到上线播出 , 《乘风破浪的姐姐》一再将“吃瓜”群众们从疫情下的平淡生活中“拯救”出来 。 第二期节目上线当天 , #乘风破浪的姐姐#微博话题阅读量已超过百亿 , 可见节目热度 。
不同于以往的选秀 , 这档节目不是围绕素人或是练习生 , 而是邀请了30位30岁+的女艺人“从零成团” 。 参加节目的每一位“姐姐”都在各自的领域有所成就 , 也因为这样 , 姐姐们并不像其它选秀节目的选手那样 , 面带微笑配合表演 , 而是纷纷展现出人间真实 。
Chengfengpolang De Jiejie, which roughly translates to "Sisters riding the winds and breaking the waves", recently invited 30 actresses born before 1990, put them up in an apartment where they competed against each other for a talent show and then selected five among them to form a new star group.
前有宁静淡定拒绝自我介绍 , 表示自己几十年不是白干的 。
后有黄圣依在超长录制时间之后 , 用麦克风催促工作人员送来牛奶 。
在节目的首秀中 , 姐姐们各不相同的性格和特长被展现得淋漓尽致 , 可谓千姿百态 , 不拘一格 。
The program shows how the actresses worked hard in pursuit of their dreams. The program's unique selling proposition was its attempt to erase prejudices based on age, as many entertainment programs tend to link good performance with age.
然而 , 当“30+”和“女团”这两个词放在一起的时候 , 似乎有一些“违和” 。 这些年 , 我们看到的女团 , 大多是按照韩国流水线式的造星模式产生 , 似乎都是年纪更小、更听话的“幼瘦白” , 而节目中的姐姐们无疑与这样的女团印象相差甚远 。
In recent years, most of the female groups we have seen are produced in accordance with the Korean star-making model. They seem to be much younger and more obedient compared with “sisters” in this program.
这样的反差增加了节目的看点 , 也引发了更深层次的思考:年轻固然很好 , 但我们真的可以以年龄论英雄吗?
在女艺人的身上 , 对于年龄的歧视似乎表现得更加明显 。 在去年FIRST青年电影展的闭幕礼上 , 颁奖嘉宾海清就曾喊话导演、制片人们给予中年女演员更多表演机会 。
For female artists, the discrimination against age seems to be more obvious. At the closing ceremony of the FIRST Youth Film Exhibition last year, the award guest Hai Qing once shouted out to the director and producers to give middle-aged actresses more performance opportunities.