月薪最高1.6万!松江企业德谦化学面向海内外纳贤( 二 )
10.Maintenance of neat and accurate laboratory notebooks and data logs.
Hard requirements:
-Degree in Applied Sciences (Chemistry, Life Sciences Technologies) with a minimum of 5 years experience in an applications lab.
-Emphasis on studies related to Cosmetics or Personal Care preferred.
Soft requirements:
-Planning of work and how it is generated (How is work assigned?…self generated, given by boss. Approval level?)
Work is assigned by Applied Research Manager and Global applications director. Weekly updates with applied research manager are scheduled for discussion of projects and planning.
-Interfaces / Working relationships (Internal to organization and external relationships, even how processes are inter-related)
Works directly with personal care technical services team, research and development and sales to provide support, presentations and training.
-Level of Autonomy
Regular interaction with manager from remote location
Ability to represent company on new business opportunities to the outside world.
HR Generalist (1名)
Main responsibility:
-Be responsible for recruiting of all vacancies in China within budget and timeline.
-Connect with the people manager, understand and question the position, requirements, team and context.
-Project manage the recruitment process: inform the people manager regularly, request feedback after interviewing, follow up with the recruiting vendor, ensure candidates are informed properly, negotiate and make an offer and contract.
-Ensure, together with the people manager, that a good onboarding program is in place and executed.
-Ensure all recruiting is compliant: the vacancy and job level are approved, the offer and contract is within Elementis guidelines, and global and local systems are up to date.
-Analyze and evaluate the recruiting vendor.
-Collect employees’ training demands from functional head. Discuss development needs and suggest options. Ensure managers understand the 70 (training on the job) /20 (coaching & mentoring)/10 (training) development model.
-Select appropriate training vendors for training implementation & conduct the training satisfaction survey.
-Organize and conduct training to employees like office etiquette,employee handbook,etc.
-Register law regulated training to make sure completion rate 100% in time.
HR Policy & Process
-Revise/make HR policy to meet law & regulations.
-Assist HR manager to optimize HR processes.
Workday Operation
-Maintain HR Data accuracy and up to date in Workday.
-Support managers and employees to resolve problems in Workday.
Business Support
-Assist China management team to build up a safe,compliant and high performing working environment for all employees.
-Support to drive corporate strategy, culture & HR programs as well as support site business development.
Translation & Others
-Translate the documents from English to Chinese or from Chinese to English.
-Complete the other tasks assigned by manager
Requirements Qualifications:
-Bachelor degree.Major in Human Resource Management is preferred.
-3 yrs HR experience, MNC experience in HR field is preferred.
-Strong knowledge of HR Operations.
-Good English communication skills.
-Demonstrated conflict management ability to address and solve problem objectively.
-Demonstrated ability to identify business process issues and opportunities and to implement improvements effectively.
-Ability to respond to changing Business demands, balancing priorities and reallocating resource with effective communications.
-Compliance requirements awareness and related knowledge.
-Intitiative, ambitious, resistant to work stress, passionate, energetic, cheerful and pleasant.
-Good organization skill.
1. 收付款 - 根据公司的会计制度规定,在收付款时,审核有关原始凭证,再据以编制收付款凭证;依照公司现金管理和银行结算制度的规定,办理银行结算业务。
2. 对账 - 逐笔登记银行存款日记账,日清月结;编制银行余额对账表,汇报月末资金状况;
3. 外汇业务 - 照国家外汇管理和结汇、购汇制度的规定及有关批件,办理外汇收支业务和其他外汇相关业务;
4. 保管 - 保管各种有价证券的安全与完整,保管空白收据和空白支票;严格执行支票等票据的登记和注销手续;保管与银行签订的合同等。
5. 主管安排的其他工作。
1. Receipt and payment - according to Elementis's accounting system, prepare the receipt and payment vouchers; Handle bank settlement business in accordance with the company's cash management and bank system.
2. Reconciliation - register the bank deposit journal and clear monthly statement; Prepare bank balance reconciliation statement and report;
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