1、窗外的风景,是过往的画面,你已经消失在我世界的尽头,我要控制我自己,不会让谁看见我流泪,假装漠不关心,不再想起你,却找不到坚强的理由The scenery outside the window is the pictures of the past. You have disappeared at the end of my world. I want to control myself. I won't let anyone see my tears. I pretend to be indifferent. I don't think of you anymore, but I can't find a strong reason
3、人生,就是一次次的换乘。奔波,只为了能到达同一个终点,或者在同一趟车上多同行几站。终于还是我先下车,看到车门后你惜别的眼神,给你一个坚强的微笑,然后疾步向前,追赶下一次的团圆。Life, is a transfer. Running, only in order to reach the same destination, or in the same car with several more stops. Finally, I'll get off first, see the look in your eyes after the door, give you a strong smile, and then rush forward to catch up with the next reunion.
5、幸福就像你身后的影子,你追不到,但是只要你往前走,它就会一直跟在你身后。时间真的很好,让痛的不再痛了,让放不下的放下了,不要总是觉得自己不够幸福,没有不幸福,只有不知足。Happiness is like the shadow behind you, you can't catch it, but as long as you go forward, it will always follow you. Time is really good, so that the pain is no longer painful, let go, don't always feel that you are not happy, there is no unhappiness, only dissatisfaction.
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