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Oriental History and historical Orient——Construction of Cultural Image under Historical View of “Ancient Worship” and “Orientalism”
ZHAO Xue-yuan
(School of Literary Arts,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,China)
Abstract:When Said proposed Orienta as a defined concept in “Orientalism” rather than as a fictitious noun, he actually adopted a meta-historical meaning and text analysis. The way of thinking de-fines “Orientalism” as a way of thinking with the political color of European colonialism. In the “Orientalism” view of what Said said, Europeans tend to construct the history of the East as a romantic imaginary text, although it is considered or recognized that the East is not higher than the West at any level, but it can be dis-sected, and extracted the “old active ingredients” from the history of the East as a symptomatic medicine for the morbid conditions of modern European society. It is worth noticing that in the tradi-tional Chinese historical records, research and application of thinking, there is also a historical view of “Ancient Worship”. When Chinese historical texts are constructed, they also tend to romance the history. They were adopting the method of “thickness ancient and thinness the present”, using historical texts as the antidote to current social illnesses, but the oriental image formed under this historical view and the oriental image under the vision of “Oriental Studies” is very different. By comparing the two different historical views of Europe’s “Orientalism” and China’s “Ancient Worship”, we can see how these two historical views construct the historical and cultural image of the East, and finally form what kind of historical view hided deeply behind these differences.
Key words:Said; Ancient Worship; Orientalism; historical views; cul-tural image