The kicked can: COP26
As COP26 the United Nations climate change summit opened in Glasgow on Sunday world leaders were finishing up the G20 one in Rome.
世界各国领导人刚开完罗马G20峰会 , 本周日 , 在格拉斯哥召开了联合国COP26气候峰会 。
Their closing statement did notbode wellfor the climate conference.
各国领导人在罗马G20峰会达成的最终声明对气候峰会而言并不是什么好兆头 。
In it the G20 countries—responsible for an estimated 80% of greenhouse-gas emissions—reaffirmedtheir commitment to the agreement made in Paris in 2015 to “pursue efforts” to keep global temperature increases to 1.5°C abovepre-industrial levels.
在罗马G20峰会上 , G20国家—估计占全球温室气体排放的80%—重申了他们在2015年巴黎协定中做出的承诺:“尽力”将全球平均气温相比工业化前水平的增幅限制在1.5℃水平 。
But theyprevaricatedabout how making onlyhand-waving commitmentsto “support” countriesphasing out coaland to strengthen national plans to cut emissions “if necessary”.
但是他们对于具体如何落地却含糊其辞 , 只是做出华而不实的承诺:“支持”退煤政策 , “在必要时”强化国家减排方案 。
Such evasion isat odds withthe urgency of Alok Sharma the COP26 president.
这些逃避措辞和COP26峰会主席Alok Sharma的紧迫感产生了矛盾 。
His opening speech stressed the need to ensure that “where Paris promised Glasgow delivers.”
他在公开演讲中强调要求:“在巴黎承诺的 , 就得在格拉斯哥交付” 。
Participants at COP26 have two weeks to figure out how to keep the goals of the Paris agreement alive.
对COP26峰会的参与国而言 , 他们还有两周时间提出落实巴黎协定的具体方案 。
There is no more time toprocrastinate.
没那么多时间权宜了 。
COP26峰会就是催收作业的课代表 , 没完成作业的国家还不少 。 这两周时间各国会想出什么落地方案呢?拭目以待 。 (可不要是大家一致推出碳税……)
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