为啥 Baker 是烘培师而 Cooker 只是炊具
因为cook这个词最初出现的时候就是一个名词,本身就有厨师的意思O.E. coc, from V.L. cocus "cook," from L. coquus, from coquere "to cook, prepare food, ripen, digest, turn over in the mind" from PIE root *pekw- "to cook" (cf. Oscan popina"kitchen," Skt. pakvah "cooked," Gk. peptein, Lith. kepti "to bake, roast," O.C.S. pecenu "roasted," Welsh poeth "cooked, baked, hot"). Germanic languages had no one native term for all types of cooking, and borrowed the Latin word (cf. O.S. kok, O.H.G. choh, Ger. Koch, Swed. kock).14世纪以后才作为动词用,指厨师烹饪的这一系列行为.cook(v.)late 14c., from cook (n.); the figurative sense of "to manipulate, falsify, doctor" is from 1630s. Related: Cooked, cooking. To cook with gas is 1930s jive talk. 而cooker这个词=cook (v.) + -er (施动的人或事物).1884年才出现的。也就是说,之前我们已经有了厨子这个概念,炊具的概念是后来出现的而bake出现的时候是一个动词O.E. bacan "to bake," from P.Gmc. *bakanan (cf. O.N. baka, M.Du. backen, O.H.G. bahhan, Ger. backen), from P.Gmc. *bakan "to bake," from PIE *bheg- "to warm, roast, bake" (cf. Gk. phogein "to roast"), from root *bhe- "to warm" (see bath). Related: Baked (M.E. had baken); baking. The noun meaning "social gathering at which baked food is served" is attested by 1846, Amer.Eng. Baked beans attested by 1803. baker的意思是这样的。O.E. b?cere "baker," agent noun from bacan "to bake" (see bake). 又比如drive这个单词,最初出现的时候也是动词形式。加er就变成司机。猜测:如果一个单词起源时候是动词,那么加er构成人,即agent noun from。如果本身起源的时候是名词,则不一定。当然大部分应该还是的,比如villager,lawer(该结论需要进一步验证,欢迎补充一些以er结尾但非agent noun from的单词)PS:其实cooker也可以是厨子的Definition of COOKER: one that cooks: asa : a utensil, device, or apparatus for cookingb : a person who tends a cooking process : cookc British : stove
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