英雄联盟|国外网友趣评S10淘汰赛第三日:要知道,世界赛上从来没有发生过让二追三( 四 )

——It's either the best you've ever seen or the worst.
——Jackey could've easily thrown games 3 and 5. Pretty horrible series from him despite the win.
每一次JKL往前E , 上帝就在往天空抛硬币 , 然后全世界都在屏住呼吸看到底是正面朝上还是反面朝上
——要么就最糟 , 要么就最好
——Jackey在第三局和第五局真的看起来要跪 , 虽然他们赢了但他打得真的太早了
Karsa played his absolute heart out the last 3 games, give this man yuyanjia's paycheck
——Give this man yuyanjia's AND JKL's paycheck
Karsa这三把简直是用生命在Carry , 把yuyanjia的那份工资给他
Fans asking FNC to play Eve when Nemesis was already invisible this game
——Nemesis needs to get replaced yesterday
——God nemesis sucked so hard.... absolute champion puddle
粉丝还希望FNC选伊芙琳 , 但Nemesis在整局比赛中不就完全隐身了吗
——上帝啊Nemesis打得太烂了 , 这简直是英雄勺
TES inting to 0-2 just to be the first team to ever manage a reverse sweep in Worlds
——Literally feels that way, they were a completely different team starting game 3.
——感觉还真就是那样 , 他们在第三局开始完全不像是同一支队伍
being a FNC fan is knowing that you could be 50-0 in a BO101 and still lose
作为一名FNC的粉丝 , 应该要知道 , 如果打BO101的话 , FNC就算50-0领先也还是会输的
Hyli the best and most consistent fnc player this worlds tho.