英雄联盟|国外网友趣评S10小组赛:当Chovy选下加里奥,我就知道比赛结束了( 三 )

——Na at world's 2021, sponsored by 7-11
2020年的北美:6-12 , 尽管TSM努力了
——2021年的北美 , 由7-11便利店赞助播出
Turtle making sure today that FLY doesn‘t think of replacing him next split.
——Only one member on FlyQuest would should be replaced, and his name rhymes with Bolo
——只有一个人应该被换掉 , 这个人的ID与单词Bolo押韵
wow, UOL is as good as NA 1st seed.
——No, UoL beat LGD.
哇塞 , UOL和北美一号种子一样强
——别 , UOL战胜过LGD
NA has 50% winrate if you pretend TSM doesn't exist
——Hey, if TSM is allowed to pretend like they don't exist, I am too.
如果当TSM不存在的话 , 北美有着50%的胜率
——嘿 , 如果TSM可以把自己当作不存在的话 , 我也可以
World record on latest first blood but I honestly could not care less. The way both teams moved around the map for Kindred marks, the chess moves to gain advantages, all the extremely close fights ending with no kills, all the saves from Kindred ultimate, for all that to explode in shambles in a 3k shockwave... and it was still even... the deadly shotcalls and all, that was mesmerizing. Best game of the year so far. I could watch that all day.
——Yeah this was a high level of League of Legends.
——20 min no kills and it's the most entertaining game at worlds so far
这场比赛刷新了世界赛上最迟一血的记录 , 但我真的不care 。 双方围绕着千珏的印记步步为营 , 像在下棋一样互相攫取优势 , 每一波团战都惊心动魄却没爆发人头 , 千珏那几个救人的大招 , 包括那个三人大招都没死人 , 场上还一直是均势…今年最佳比赛 , 我能看一天
——没错 , 这就是高水准的英雄联盟
——20分钟没有爆发人头 , 但是却是这次世界赛上观赏性最强的比赛
Who needs locket or redemption VS vlad/ori anyway
面对吸血鬼和奥莉安娜 , 就不出救赎和鸟盾吧
369 is the Vlad in the enemy team in your 5th promo game
Yeah let’s not fight for 25 minutes against a vladamir
没错 , 对面有吸血鬼 , 那我们就和平发育25分钟吧
I knew it was over when Chovy got Galio
当Chovy选下加里奥的时候 , 我就知道比赛结束了
0 kills in 25 minutes to honor TSM's 0 wins.
——Nowhere is safe for TSM
25分钟还零杀 , 看来是致敬TSM的零胜
I feel like Tian might just kick me out of Worlds again —— Jankos
我感觉Tian要再次把我踢出世界赛了 —— G2打野Jankos
So they will still eliminate EU teams even when they arent in the tournament
所以他们即使不在赛场上 , 也能把EU队伍淘汰出局
G2 literally got the god draw. Extremely lucky draw
——G2 vs LCK round 2
G2简直是上帝眷顾 , 这签运太好了
——第二轮的G2 vs LCK
G2 and DWG needs to go to the semis, this is fate.
G2和DWG会在半决赛相遇 , 这就是命运
FNC with the chinese path. G2 with the korean path.