
Jayce has now more wins at this years Worlds than TSM
——Rammus has the same amount of wins at this years worlds as TSM
——Hell, Seraphine has as many wins and she ain't even a champion yet
今年世界赛上 , 杰斯的胜场都比TSM的要多
——我的天 , 就连Seraphine也是一样 , 而她甚至还不是一个正式的英雄
Doran looks like peak TheShy when against Solo lmao
——The funny thing is Doran is like the Solo of Korea
在面对Solo的时候 , Doran打得就像巅峰TheShy一样
That 3v2 in the mid lane that Fly lost had some TSM vibes to it...Ignar sitting in the back watching PoE getting blown up without even putting a Box down or something
——I don't think Ignar hit a single Q this game.
中路FLY输掉的那次3v2有点TSM的味道了…Ignar就在后面眼睁睁地看着PoE被灌到死 , 也不放个大招或啥的
Wait so Lilia doesn't sleep her teammates?
——Team Sleepy Mid
等下 , 原来莉莉娅的大招不会睡到队友?
——Team Sleepy Mid
time to FLY home...
——let it be known that no one can beat NA at the race to the airport
——我们要昭告天下 , 没有人能在向机场冲刺的比赛中打赢NA
It has now been over half a decade since a North American team not named Cloud9 has advanced past the group stage.
Truly impressive.
五年了 , 北美赛区居然还没有一支名称不是Cloud9的队伍能从小组赛里出现
More like FlyWest
Santorin walking out of fountain, get hit by Jayce Q and walking back was so fucking funny
Santorin走出泉水 , 然后被杰斯一炮打到又走回去 , 这一幕太好笑了
Dear Everyone,
I am throwing a Dinner Fiesta Festival tonight and you are all invited!
Bring your own plates, TES took all of mine.
我们准备举办一个晚餐会 , 你们都被邀请了
但要拿自己的盘子 , TES把我的都拿了
(Plate , 有盘子的意思 , 同时也是防御塔的镀层)
Headphones bigger challenge to Jackeylove than anyone in Group D
Everything diff
Can we just skip to TES vs DRX?
——Honestly this worlds is shaping up to be the most predictable worlds in history. Favorites perform as we expected them to perform, play-in stage was more fun than groups.
我们能直接跳到TES vs DRX吗?
——说实话 , 这次世界赛越来越走向可以预测结局的情况了 , 强队表现得无可挑剔 , 入围赛感觉比小组赛要有趣多了
Watching 369 stand in the middle of four UOL players and not care as he tries to kill Ziggs is a different type of carry experience.
——369 just standing under tier 2 tower. donk donk donk
——mundo 369 goes where he pleases