中年Serverless 实战:通过 Component 实现多地域部署容灾( 四 )
DEBUG ─ Uploading service package to cos[sls-cloudfunction-ap-guangzhou-code]. sls-cloudfunction-default-hello_world-1583816589.zip
DEBUG ─ Uploaded package successful /Users/dfounderliu/Desktop/ServerlessComponents/test/scf_test/.serverless/hello_world.zip
DEBUG ─ Creating function hello_world
DEBUG ─ Updating code...
DEBUG ─ Updating configure...
DEBUG ─ Created function hello_world successful
DEBUG ─ Setting tags for function hello_world
DEBUG ─ Creating trigger for function hello_world
DEBUG ─ Starting API-Gateway deployment with name hello_world.ap-guangzhou-hello_world.serverless_test in the ap-guangzhou region
DEBUG ─ Service with ID service-p14470dc created.
DEBUG ─ API with id api-pg3ihnoi created.
DEBUG ─ Deploying service with id service-p14470dc.
DEBUG ─ Deployment successful for the api named hello_world.ap-guangzhou-hello_world.serverless_test in the ap-guangzhou region.
DEBUG ─ API with id api-op4jqvba created.
DEBUG ─ Deploying service with id service-p14470dc.
DEBUG ─ Deployment successful for the api named hello_world.ap-guangzhou-hello_world.serverless_test in the ap-guangzhou region.
DEBUG ─ Deployed function hello_world successful
DEBUG ─ Compressing function hello_world file to /Users/dfounderliu/Desktop/ServerlessComponents/test/scf_test/.serverless/hello_world.zip.
DEBUG ─ Compressed function hello_world file successful
DEBUG ─ Uploaded package successful /Users/dfounderliu/Desktop/ServerlessComponents/test/scf_test/.serverless/hello_world.zip
DEBUG ─ Creating function hello_world
DEBUG ─ Updating code...
DEBUG ─ Updating configure...
DEBUG ─ Created function hello_world successful
DEBUG ─ Setting tags for function hello_world
DEBUG ─ Creating trigger for function hello_world
DEBUG ─ Starting API-Gateway deployment with name hello_world.ap-shanghai-hello_world.serverless_test in the ap-shanghai region
DEBUG ─ Service with ID service-7daktopz created.
DEBUG ─ API with id api-4v40ce4u created.
DEBUG ─ Deploying service with id service-7daktopz.
DEBUG ─ Deployment successful for the api named hello_world.ap-shanghai-hello_world.serverless_test in the ap-shanghai region.
DEBUG ─ API with id api-emkl7ov4 created.
DEBUG ─ Deploying service with id service-7daktopz.
DEBUG ─ Deployment successful for the api named hello_world.ap-shanghai-hello_world.serverless_test in the ap-shanghai region.
DEBUG ─ Starting API-Gateway deployment with name hello_world.ap-shanghai-hello_world.serverless_test in the ap-shanghai region
DEBUG ─ Using last time deploy service id service-7daktopz
DEBUG ─ Updating service with serviceId service-7daktopz.
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