vasculogenesis是指血管发生(有人译为血管生成),尤特别指胚胎早期由中胚层来源的成血管母细胞(angioblasts)在间充质(mesenchyme)内,直接分化为血管始原细胞(endothelial precursors),再空腔化形成血管的过程。这过程是从无到有的”全新(de novo)”形成过程,重点在直接分化、从无到有。
Angiogenesis一般常译为血管新生,它是由原来的血管经由出芽(sprouting)方式,分支出新的血管。这過程由VEGF(血管内皮生长因子vascular endothelial growth factor)导引,不管是胚胎期或生命期,新组织的形成和生长都伴随此种血管新生成,来扩大原有血液供应网络。像许多肿瘤都会利用血管新生方式,来增加局部组织供血量,以满足癌细胞不断分裂过程中时时需要的营养供给。
【关于医学英语前缀的问题,Angio-和Vasculo-的区别】 这两个都表示“血管”,构词时并无明显区别。作为医学英语专业的毕业生,经常会见到很多近义词素或同义词素,表达含义并无区别,只是因为来源不同,一般医学词汇有希腊和拉丁语两个来源,相对就有倆形式。
自己才疏浅薄,不过看题主的问题很有意思,就帮你做了一点Research.Cancer Treat Res. 2004;117:3-32.Vasculogenesis and angiogenesis.Two distinct mechanisms, vasculogenesis and angiogenesis implement the formation of the vascular network in the embryo. Vasculogenesis gives rise to the heart and the first primitive vascular plexus inside the embryo and in its surrounding membranes, as the yolk sac circulation. Angiogenesis is responsible for the remodeling and expansion of this network. While vasculogenesis refers to in situ differentiation and growth of blood vessels from mesodermal derived hemangioblasts, angiogenesis comprises two different mechanisms: endothelial sprouting and intussusceptive microvascular growth (IMG). The sprouting process is based on endothelial cell migration, proliferation and tube formation. IMG divides existing vessel lumens by formation and insertion of tissue folds and columns of interstitial tissue into the vessel lumen. The latter are termed interstitial or intervascular tissue structures (ITSs) and tissue pillars or posts. Intussusception also includes the establishment of new vessels by in situ loop formation in the wall of large veins. The molecular regulation of these distinct mechanisms is discussed in respect to the most important positive regulators, VEGF and its receptors flk-1 (KDR) and flt-1, the Angiopoietin/tie system and the ephrin-B/EpH-B system. The cellular mechanisms and the molecular regulation of angiogenesis in the pathological state are summarized and the differences of physiological and pathological angiogenesis elaborated.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15015550然后还看到一个做的很不错的幻灯片,题主可以好好学习下。点击这个链接,自动下载。http://web.mit.edu/ccrhq/hyneslab/2nd%20floor/2nd%20floor%20documents/JC-August-7-Arjan.ppt
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