英语12个月份名称的由来 英语十二个月名称的由来

大家好 。
【英语12个月份名称的由来 英语十二个月名称的由来】This is Gill here from engVid, and today's lesson is on the subject of the " Months of the Year" and where the names for the months come from.
我是来自engVid的Gill , 今天的课程的主题是"月份"以及月份名称的来历 。
This links to an earlier lesson I did on the days of the week and where those names come from.
这和一个课程有关联 , 是我讲过的星期课 , 讲了每周中星期的命名来源 。
And this is very similar, really, because a lot of the names come from Roman times, the Roman Empire, the emperors, and so on, Roman mythology, gods and goddesses, that kind of thing, as well as a few Latin words.
这次的也很相似 , 因为很多名字都来自罗马时代 , 罗马帝国 , 皇帝 , 等等 , 罗马神话 , 神灵和女神 , 诸如此类 , 还有一些拉丁单词 。
So, let's have a look.
所以 , 咱们看一下 。
The months of the year, so we begin with January, and the God Janus, the god of doors. . .
月份 , 所以我们从一月份(January)开始 , 雅努斯(Janus)神 , 门神……
If you see a statue or a picture of Janus, you see two faces looking in two different directions, usually left and right.
如果你看到过雅努斯的雕像或图片 , 你会看到两张朝着两个不同方向的面孔 , 通常是朝着左右 。
The god who looks both ways, back to the past and forward to the future, and also with doors, of course, you either go in through the door or out through the door, so it's about two directions, a place of transition.
他是注视双面的神 , 看向过去和未来 , 也与门关联 , 当然了 , 你要么进门 , 要么出门 , 所以是关于两个方向的 , 一个过渡的地方 。
So that's January, coming from Janus.
那么这就是一月 , 来源是雅努斯 。
好的 。
February, this is maybe not so clear where the name comes from, but people think it comes from the word. . .
二月(February) , 这个名字的来源可能比较模糊 , 但人们认为它来自这个词……
The Latin word " februare" which means to purify, because at that time of year in the Roman Empire there was a Festival of Forgiveness where people were forgiven for things that they'd done.
拉丁词"februare" , 意味着净化 , 因为当时在罗马帝国 , 有一个宽恕节 , 人们可就他们所做的一切获得宽恕 。
So it was a kind of purification period.
所以那时是一个净化时期 。
So it may be that, February comes from that, februare.
所以可能因为是这样 , 这样有了二月(February) , 净化(februare) 。
好的 。
Then we have March, which is named after the god of war, Mars.
然后是三月( March) , 是以战争之神——玛尔斯(Mars)命名的 。
好的 。
And at one time for a long time March was the first month in the Roman calendar.
曾经有一阵 , 有很长一段时间 , 三月是罗马日历的第一个月 。
It was counted from here, and then presumably they went to the end and January, February came at the end.
从这里算起 , 然后大概一月 , 二月是一年的尽头 。
So, Mars. . .
所以 , 玛尔斯……
March was the first month of the year in the Roman Empire calendar.
三月是罗马帝国历法中一年中的第一个月 。
But that changed in the 16th century when Pope Gregory brought in his Gregorian Calendar and made January, the first month of the year officially, and that explains a little bit what we will be coming to at the end of the list where these numbers don't make sense, but we'll come to that.
但是16世纪时 , 教皇格里高利引入了格利高里历法 , 并创造了一月时 , 这种情况发生了变化 , 一月成为了一年中的第一个月 , 这就为我们将在结尾提到的这些无意义的数字提供了一点解释 , 我们一会儿讲到 。
Okay, so that's March.
好 , 这就是三月 。
April, Aprilis in the Latin name, and it could come, people think, from the Latin word to open: " apperire" , and if you think of flowers in the spring opening, it's that kind of idea after the winter, flowers start to appear, so it's a springtime kind of word.