#守护游戏——希望与梦想之队# #好奇心反封建学生联盟# #反不理智家长同盟会# TodayI willsum up the parents who antis the online-games
1.They are cowards. For example@网游手机网络都是鸦片 I never had a head-on confrontation with him.But he blocked me.And the ridiculously is that he still using the cell-phone and internet to tell everyone he is an idiot.We canfind out that he hates them from his ID.
2.Their educational levelis worring.They always want to call 林则徐 when they can't do anything.However,they even not knowing what's going on in those years.
3.They must be psychopaths.They forbid everything which can make children happy.Because when children happy they will be upset.
4.They conduct themselves like Ccl4.And act like CuSO4.5H2O when they dealing with affairs.We don't tell them what does this sentence mean[奸笑]
5.What do you think about this?The top-students@狂龙彡逐梦 @智子北辰@小杨一脸蒙 @封建家长一群伞兵 @幸福咖啡4w
【守护游戏——希望与梦想之队 好奇心反封建学生联盟 反不理智家长同盟会】
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