
Cat planet




Cat planet is new games android and in the shadows, malice has also grown, and a strange symptom called "mood sickness" has begun to spread in the city.
在暗影之中,恶意也已然滋生,一种名为“情绪病”的怪异症状开始在城市中蔓延 。



Klee is Here
I don't get why many ppl hate turn based, It's good for side game and for someone who wants to play simple.

不明白为什么这么多人讨厌回合制,这对想玩简单游戏的人来说,很有好处 。

Fox Gaming
It's good for casual.

它适合休闲人士 。

Jayce Rustia
Yeah me too its my fave kind of game like you need patience and strategy here.I love pokemon and fire emblem games.

我也喜欢这种游戏,这需要你的耐心和策略 。
比如《口袋妖怪》和《火焰之纹章》 。

Why?Because 99% japanese and korean android games are turnn bases.

为什么?因为99%的日本人和韩国人的手机游戏都是回合制 。

Gaming As long as its on mobile it needs to be turn or auto. Otherwise better play on PC.

移动端上只需改变方向或自动就能游戏 。除此之外,电脑端玩的话会更好 。

Curt Floyd
If they don't like em play sum else ... I love em personally.

如果不喜欢玩《火焰之纹章》,那就玩其他游戏 。我个人是喜欢的 。

Blossom 21
Yo this game looks awesome and turn based too (honestly I think turn based rpg are still the best og experience into playing games like this, too many fast pace games ruin it) I hope this might come to english soon because I like the music in it (very persona series-ish) and I love the designs of the cat girls.

这个回合制游戏看起来还行,老实说,如果做成快餐游戏的话,我认为会毁掉它 。还是以这样的回合制游戏体验为佳 。希望能有英文版,我喜欢它们的音乐,也喜欢猫女郎的设计 。

Not the mood that i expected but its ok, amazing graphics and music.

这不是我期望的游戏,但它画面和音乐还不错 。


Christopher Doubiago
Not particularly a fan of turn based and am already playing two gacha games atm but maybe I'll give it a shot seems interesting enough.
并不特别喜欢回合制,现在我已经玩了两个扭蛋游戏,也许会玩一下,看起来还行 。

K.R legends
Bruh I'm waiting for this game for to long finally I can see what is look like. AMAZING!

等这个游戏等好久了 。终于看到它的样子了 。太棒了!

Makina Icyterror
Nice! So many catgirls me like <3
很好!如此多的猫女孩,我都喜欢 。

Has persona vibes I like this one.

有共鸣,我很喜欢 。

Henrique Melo
Just another generic turn based game with interesting character design just to draw attention.
这款回合制的游戏角色,设计的很有吸引力 。

Another rpg where player role not really that important.
玩家角色并不起眼的另类游戏 。

Felipe So
Turn based games are boring. If I wanted to watch the game play itself Id have more fun watching someone else actually play a real game. Another quick cash grab disguised as a "game".

回合制游戏很无聊 。我更喜欢看别人玩游戏 。这又是一款伪装成“游戏”的垃圾氪金游戏 。

Clawdyo Pedro da Silva Pedro
Qual a gra?a de um jogo estático desse?


Luke Thomaz
A maioria n?o sabe mas...nos anos 90, os Rpgs em turno no PS1 foram sucesso! E o Android estava encarecido de jogos assim!

Leandro Santos
@Luke Thomaz Disse tudo mano . se muitos n?o gostam, têm quem goste.

兄弟 。有人喜欢,有人不喜欢而已 。

Luke Thomaz
@Leandro Santos Né? Eu gosto mt! Vlwwww, mano!