电视已成为不可或缺的大众娱乐媒体时代,越来越多的人利用电视来学习 。
In an age when television is a vital entertainment medium, more and more people are using it as a study aid.
在英国,1969年成立的开放大学,鼓励学生在家中学习,已获得文学士或理学士学位 。学习方法是利用电视、广播和函授等多种形式,学生把作业寄给辅导老师,老师评判后再寄回给学生 。
In Britain, the Open University, founded in 1969, encourages home-based students to study for Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees using a combination of television and radio programs and correspondence work, where students send in assignments to their tutors and have them returned after assessment.
【跟学习相关的英语词汇 学习的单词】
开放大学对学生没有正式的入学要求,是专为那些高中毕业后,因为没钱或没机会,未能继续求学的人设立的,这一体系在英国运作得很好,其他国家也开设了类似的学习项目 。
The Open University has no formal entrance requirements for its students and is designed particularly for people who have missed out on a formal tertiary education because of lack of money or opportunity in the past. The system works very well in Britain;similar programs operate in many other countries.
电视课程包括市场营销学和商业管理,商业课程在全球大受欢迎,越来越多的从事管理和销售的人为取得商务学历,而选择开放式的电教课程,作为自己的学习方式 。
Educational television programs may include marketing, and business managemen. Business programs are very popular around the world. An increasing number of people in management and marketing are studying for business diplomas and choose the television open learning system as an alternative form of study.
在澳大利亚和新西兰,电视”开放式教学“中文课程,也深受欢迎,每周的作业安排包括半小时的电视课程,和之后至少10小时的学习 。这类课程相当于一学年全日制学习内容的1/4,提供给学生的学习资料数量庞大,包括教材、自学手册和其他资料等,内容广泛 。这种学习方法富有挑战性,学生必须动力十足,才能成功 。
In Australia and New Zealand, the TV "open learning" Chinese program is also popular. Lessons involve a half-hour program on television on followed up at least 10 hours of study each week. The course is equivalent to a quarter of a year's full-time study; students get a huge resource pack which includes text and work books, audio tapes and a wide range of other materials. This method of study is very challenging and to be successful students need to be motivated.
职业教育:Vocational education
素质教育:Quality-oriented education
在职培训:On-the- job training
再就业培训:Reemployment training
高考:The entrance exams for regular colleges and universities
应试教育:Examination-driven education
远程教育:Distance learning
勤工俭学:Work-for-study program
民办大学:Non- government -run colleges and universities
九年制义务教育:The nine- year compulsory education
初等教育:Primary education
中等教育:Secondary education
高等教育:Higher education
成人教育:Adult education
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