电气行业常用英文单词分类汇总 电气行业常用英语单词分类总表( 四 )

合闸线圈 Close coil
释放线圈 Releasing coil
掉闸线圈 Tripping coil
予告信号 Prewarning signal
掉闸回路断线信号 Breakage signal of trip circuit
断路器事故掉闸信号 Fault trip signal of breaker
掉闸音响信号 Tripping audible signal
重瓦斯预告信号 Heavy gas prewarning signal
温度预告信号 Temperature prewarning signal
手动、自动操作时事故信号 Fault signal in manual/automatic operation
保护掉闸 Protective trip
控制掉闸 Control trip
手动跳闸 Manual trip
变电所紧急停车 Emergency shutdown at substation
工艺故障 Fault in process
励磁故障 Fault in excitation
工作电源失电报警 No-voltage alarm of working electric source
工作电源分合闸 On and off of working electric source
工作电源投入 Throw-in of working electric source
保安电源送电 supply of emergency electric source
运转指示 Indicating of operation
投入指示 Indicating of throw-in
同步指示 Indicating of synchronism
延时停车 Delayed shutdown
电源切除 Switch off the power supply
速断及过流断通 Instantaneous trip and over-current off/on
自保持 Self-holding
自锁 Self-lock
联锁 Interlocking
绝缘监视 Insulation supervision
电压监视 Voltage supervision
联锁解除 Release of interlock
工作、保安电源切换 Transfer of working and emergency power supply
发电机与工作母线并车 Synchronization of generator to working bus
重瓦斯保护 Heavy gas protection
开或闭超扭矩保护 Over-torque protection during opening and closing valve
电机起动顺序 Sequence of motor starting
铭牌框注字 Name plate denotation (inscription)
五.电气仪表 Electric instruments

电气行业常用英文单词分类汇总 电气行业常用英语单词分类总表

电流表 Ammeter
电压表 Voltmeter
三相三线有功电度表 Three-phase three-wire kilowatt-hour meter , kWh meter
单相电度表 Single-phase kilowatt-hour meter
三相无功电度表 Three-phase kilovar-hour meter
有功功率表 Active power meter , kilowatt meter
无功功率表 Reactive power meter , kilovar meter
三相瓦特表(功率表) Three-phase watt meter
功率因数表 Power factor meter
频率表 Frequency meter
验电流器 Galvanoscope
欧姆表 Ohmmeter
相位表 Phase meter
转速表 Tachometer
波长表 Wave-length meter
三相四线制标准电度表 3-phase 4-wire standard watthour-meter
过载电流表 Overload ammeter
低功率因数瓦特表 Low power-factor wattmeter
交直流两用钳型电流表 A.C./D.C. multi-purpose tongtester
兆欧表 Megger , Megohmmeter
万用表 Avometer
微安表 Microammeter
毫安表 Milliammeter
各种测量仪表 Various kind of measuring instruments
接地电阻测量仪 Earthing resistance tester
真空管电压表 Vacuum tube voltmeter
电动秒表 Electric second-meter
六.防雷 Lightning protection避雷装置 Lightning protector
避雷针 Lightning rod
避雷带 Strap type lightning protector
避雷网 Network of lightning protector
避雷针支架 Lightning rod support
避雷针尖 Tip of lightning rod
避雷针拉铁 Brace for lightning rod
避雷器 Lightning arrester , surge discharger
球型避雷器 Spherical arrester
管形避雷器 Tubular arrester
阀形避雷器 Auto-valve arrester
低压避雷器 Low voltage arrester
角形 避雷器 Horn arrester
多隙避雷器 Multigap arrester
铝避雷器 Aluminum cell arrester
氧化膜避雷器 Oxide film arrester
击穿保险器 Puncture lightning arrester
雷击 Lightning stroke
直接雷击 Direct lightning stroke
感应雷击 Induction lightning stroke
雷电日 Thunderbolt days
雷电或然率 Lightning and thunder probability
触电 Electric shock
静电感应 Electrostatic induction
七.接地 Grounding , earthing接地保护 Ground protection , earth protection
防雷接地 Grounding for lightning
保护接地 Protective earthing
人工接地 Artificial grounding
工作接地 Working grounding , working earthing
重复接地 Multiple earthing
屏蔽接地 Screen earthing , shielding ground
中性点接地 Neutral point grounded
接地系统 Grounding system , earthing system
接地故障 Ground fault , earth fault
单相接地 Single phase earthing
母线接地 Bus ground
接地装置 Grounding device , earthing device
引下线 Down-lead , down conductor
引下线固定 Clamping plate of support for fixing