经典语录:人心太假 , 我却太傻!
1、别拿我对你的信任 , 欺骗我的感情!
【经典语录人心太假,我却太傻!】Don't deceive my feelings with my trust in you.
2、世界上唯独骗不了的是自己的心 , 它总在你最没提防时 , 暴露你的欢喜忧愁!
The only thing you can't fool in the world is your heart. It always reveals your joy and sorrow when you are least on your guard.
3、看穿不说穿 , 很多事情心里有数就好了 , 没必要说出来 。
See through it or not. It's good to know a lot of things. There's no need to say it.
4、不要以为我什么都不知道 , 我只是想给你一个机会 。
Don't think I don't know anything. I just wanted to give you a chance.
5、你不必敷衍假意诚恳 , 我这20几年不至于白活 , 是否真心待我 , 我还勉强能看穿 。
You don't have to be perfunctory and sincere. I haven't lived in vain in the last 20 years. Whether I really treat me, I can barely see through.
6、骗我可以 , 请注意次数!
You can lie to me. Please pay attention to the number of times.
7、很多事情我并不是不知道 , 不在意 。只是不想斤斤计较 , 不想戳穿你 。那么请在你骗我的同时 , 也注意点分寸 。
It's not that I don't know a lot of things. Don't care I just can't care about it. Didn't want to expose you. Then please be careful while you lie to me.
8、看清了很多人 , 却不能随意拆穿;讨厌着很多人 , 却不能轻易翻脸 。有时候生活就是要逼自己变得逆来顺受 , 宠辱不惊 。
Saw a lot of people. But you can't tear it down at will. I hate a lot of people, but I can't turn my face easily. Sometimes life is about forcing yourself to be obedient and not to be humiliated.
9、不是我不相信你 , 只是我真的害怕某一天 , 你会再一次背叛我 。
It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that I'm really afraid that one day you'll betray me again.
10、人心太假 , 我却太傻 。
The human heart is too false, but I am too stupid.
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