不是,以后做活体动物实验的话,可能女性比男性更加有优势。研究发现,当鼠类是由男实验人员来给予实验刺激时,会导致实验动物压力的基线水平上升,可能会干扰最终的实验结果,而由女实验人员给予刺激则不会。详见这两篇文章: exposure to males, including men, causes stress and related analgesia in rodentsWe found that exposure of mice and rats to male but not female experimenters produces pain inhibition. Male-related stimuli induced a robust physiological stress response that results in stress-induced analgesia. This effect could be replicated with T-shirts worn by men, bedding material from gonadally intact and unfamiliar male mammals, and presentation of compounds secreted from the human axilla. Experimenter sex can thus affect apparent baseline responses in behavioral testing.Male researchers stress out rodents : Nature News \u0026amp; CommentMale researchers stress out rodentsRats and mice show increased stress levels when handled by men rather than women, potentially skewing study results.
这问题有点点傻…单设计师就有老佛爷Tom Ford Armani MarcJeremy Scott等等等等 再加上摄影师 编辑 网上的时尚自媒体博主啥的 怎么可能被女性独包呢?
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