广安门医院的专家有丰富的治疗流感的知识和经验 , 此次新冠肺炎疫情中 , 医院派出专家组在武汉接管传染病医院病区拯治病人 , 立下奇功。
Experts from Guang'anmen Hospital have a wealth of knowledge and experience in the treatment of influenza. In the COVID-19 outbreak, the hospital has sent experts group to take over the sick patients in Wuhan infectious disease hospital, and has generated outstanding achievements.
2020 March 30th 9AM Start Online
目前新冠肺炎全球肆虐 , 中医药在中国抗击疫情过程中发挥了重要作用 , 现在收到几个国家和地区(美国、加拿大、德国、英国、法国、西班牙、阿联酋、缅甸、比利时等)的求援信 , 广安门医院以国际医疗部为出口向求助的国家和地区的华人组织及当地居民进行支援 , 首先开展上线诊疗(中英文) , 解答各国人民的中医药需求 。
At present, the new crown pneumonia is raging around the world. Chinese medicine has played a significant role in China's fight against the epidemic. Now it has received letters of help from Chinese organizations in several countries (US, Canada, Germany, UK, France, Spain, UAE, Myanmar, Belgium, etc.) Guang'anmen Hospital took the International Medical Department as an export to support Chinese organizations in countries and regions that sought help. First, it launched online clinics (Chinese and English). It will generate futher functions after carrying out various links of online international diagnosis and treatment to promote Chinese medicine, and implement the trade in Chinese medicine services.
(1)微信小程序 , 中英文 , 24*7服务(24小时内回复 , 海外患者有时差 , 留言后我们第二天回复);
4.时间:客户留言可全天候 , 医生回复时间是周一到周五早上9点到下午5点 , 周六周日上午9点到中午12点 。
Online Consultaion
1. Method:
(1) WeChat mini program, Chinese and English, 24 * 7 service (response within 24 hours, overseas patients are sometimes poor, we reply the next day after leaving a message)
(2)Email: gamh_health@hotmail.com, reply within 24 hours after leaving a message.
2. Content: Provide consultation, online diagnosis and treatment, psychological support, and popularization of Chinese medicine prevention and treatment for new coronary lung, flu and other respiratory symptoms.
3. Experts: Doctors of the Ministry of National Medical Treatment
4. Time:Patients may releave the message in all day. Doctor's working time is from Monday to Friday 9AM-5PM, Saturday to Sunday from 9AM-12PM.
Guang'anmen Hospital IMD patient instruction of Wechat
Overseas patient please enter the page of Wechat and download:https://www.wechat.com/en/
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