


亚马逊产品 supressed 是什么意思
suppressedadj.被抑制的 , 被忍住的;v.压制; 抑制(感情等)( suppress的过去式和过去分词 ); 禁止发表; 阻止…的生长(或发展);禁止; 抑制,取消; 镇压;1Starting CLPPlus in verbose mode (-verbose) enables the printing of additional messages in the CLPPlus session, which are suppressed in normal mode.在冗余模式(-verbose)下启动CLPPlus能够打印CLPPlus会话中在正常模式下被抑制的其他消息 。suppress 和 depress 有什么区别及用法
suppress vt. 及物动词 stop people from opposing thegove rnment, especially by using force 〔尤指 用武力〕镇压﹐制止﹐压制 The revolt was ruthlessly suppressed by themilitary . 叛乱受到军方的残酷镇压 。 prevent important information or op inionsfrom becoming known, especially from people who have a right to know 禁止发表〔消息﹑言论等〕﹐查禁﹐封锁.depress vt.及物动词 make someone feel very unhappy 使忧愁﹐使抑郁 The thought of having to take the exama gain depressed him .想到又要参加考试让他心情沮丧 prevent something from workingpro perly or being as active as it usually is 使不能正常运转﹐使不活跃﹐使不景气 Several factors combined to depress th eAmerican economy .几个因素合在一起使美国的经济不景气.3.formal -to press something down,esp ecially a part of a machine 【正式】按下﹐压下﹐推下〔尤指机器的 一部分〕 Depress the clutch fully .把离合器踩到 底.4.formal -to reduce the value of prices o rwages 【正式】减少﹐降低〔价格或工 资〕 Competition between workers will depre sswage levels .工人们之间的竞争将会降低工资水平.workbench施加载荷的时候 , 下面有一个suppressed , 选择yes或no分别是什么意思?
Yes:表示禁止No:表示不用禁止请尽快采纳哟 , 嘻嘻!不明请追问rude和impolite的区别是什么?
rude的语气更为强烈 , 形容人粗暴蛮力impolite语气较弱 , 意为不礼貌望采纳谢谢!doorkeeper是什么意思
doorkeeper生词本英 [?d?:ki:p?(r)] 美 [?d?:rki:p?(r)]n.看门人复数: doorkeepers 报错双语例句1. The doorkeeper tipped his hat as we entered.我们进门时,看门人脱帽向我们致意.来自《简明英汉词典》2. The doorkeeper gave the alarm as soon as he saw the oke.守门人一看见冒烟就发出警报.来自辞典例句3. A woman doorkeeper or porter , especially in a convent.一个法院或立法机关的正式看门人.来自互联网4. Security and Protection Service: including doorkeeper, guardianship and patrolling security services.保安服务: 包括保安门卫服务, 保安守护服务和保安巡逻服务.来自互联网5. The doorkeeper will admit you into the building.守门人会准你进入那房子.来自互联网查看更多例句>>柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典英汉双向大词典1. N-COUNT 看门人;守门人 A doorkeeper is a person whose job is to stand at the door of a building such as a hotel and help people who are going in or out.英英释义Noun1. an official doorkeeper as in a courtroom or legislative chambersynonym: usher2. the lowest of the minor Holy Orders in the unreformed Western Church but now suppressed by the Roman Catholic Churchsynonym: ostiary , ostiarius3. someone who guards an entrancesynonym: doorman , door guard , hall porter , porter , gatekeeper , ostiary