「医院」除夕夜,他们在全世界的注视下,与时间赛跑( 九 )
The special hospital is being built in the Caidian District in the western suburb of the city.
According to officials, the hospital will follow the building model of the Xiaotangshan Hospital. Beijing built the Xiaotangshan Hospital, a temporary medical center, to treat and control Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which had spread rapidly on the Chinese mainland in 2003. The hospital was completed in seven days and admitted one-seventh of the SARS patients in the country within two months, creating a miracle in the history of medicine.
这样的建设速度在中国并非首次 。 17年前 , 中国工人用7天7夜造出了小汤山医院 , 为抑制非典型肺炎疫情蔓延争取了宝贵的时间 , 创下世界医院修建速度记录 。
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