「医院」除夕夜,他们在全世界的注视下,与时间赛跑( 八 )

Construction began on the night of January 23 for a new specialized hospital for coronavirus patients in central China's Wuhan City. The hospital is designed to have an area of 25,000 square meters with 1,000 beds and will be put into use by February 3, officials said. 

火神山医院选址于武汉市蔡甸区知音湖武汉职工疗养院附近 , 是参照2003年抗击非典期间北京小汤山医院模式在武汉职工疗养院建设的一座专门医院 , 用于集中收治新型冠状病毒肺炎患者 。


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