
1.消费者把产品看成是大笔的利润,并选择能给他们带来最大利润的产品 。
2. 他们观察到顾客在用他们自己的的和其竞争对手的产品,就向他们深入的了解他们喜欢什么和不喜欢什么 。
市场营销课程翻译collect and analyze information on market need, and work with the team each season on market promotion campaigns
一 翻译成英文----市场营销专业
In today's highly petitive shopping centers, the implementation of multi-brand strategy has bee more and more enterprises an important means of petition in the market. Looking internationally, we can see that many international well-known large enterprises are using multi-brand strategy of enterprises in China, there are many who try. Multi-brand strategy of the enterprise despite the many, but not all businesses are successful, can be like Procter & Gamble, L'Oreal and so the success of this great enterprise is little more. Market segmentation approach of this article first, click on the connotation of multi-brand strategy, characteristics, significance and impact of multi-brand strategy and implementation of multi-brand strategy. From the *** ysis of many international panies chose to adopt multi-brand strategy, what the reasons are, bined with some of the implementation of multi-brand strategy, business success stories, specific *** ysis of multi-brand strategy.
二 市场营销怎么翻译
三 急求市场营销专业英语课文翻译及课后答案?。。。。?
四 求市场营销专业英语教程课文翻译
XXxX posted a little more time with your family. the best of luck with the first place in your house. the
五 市场营销怎么翻译成英语
市场营销的英文翻译是marketing management,作为名词或课程使用,具体分析如下:
marketing management
英 [?mɑ:k?tm?nid?m?nt] 美 [?mɑrk?tm?n?d?m?nt]
1、Marketing OPerations Management市场运作与管理
2、Wine Marketing &Management红酒市场营销及管理
3、MSc Marketing and Management市场与管理
4、Services Marketing & Management服务营销与管理
1、MarketingManagement,FinanceManagement,OperationManagement, EngineeringEconomy,RiskManagement.
市场营销,财务管理,运营管理,工程经济,风险管理 。
营销管理流程制度健全程度 。
3、 .
基于中间件技术构建电力营销管理系统的应用研究 。
4、,consumptioncongestionhas drawn .
消费集成作为一种新的营销管理模式,引起了商家越来越多的关注 。
供电系统电力营销的数字化管理模式研究 。
6、 Workflow.
基于工作流的电力营销管理信息系统的研究 。
六 ~市场营销~~英文翻译怎么说
市场营销 Marketing
国际经济与贸易 International Economy and Trade
财务管理内 Financial Administration
人力资源容管理 Human Resource Administration
工商管理 Instrial and Commercial Administration
公共事业管理 Public Business Administration
信息管理与信息系统 Information Administration and Information System
会计学 Accounting
大一的 Freshman
大二的 Sophomore
大三的 Junior
大四的 Senior
Fenlly Zippyco
2007-11-30 12:10
七 在大学里,我学的是市场营销专业的翻译是:什么意思
I studied the marketing professional translation is: what does it mean?
八 市场营销部翻译成英语
Market marketing department
九 市场营销专业用英语怎么说
市场营销专业:Marketing major
1、许多来学习市场营销却又几乎毫无商业经验的人以为市场营销就是推销和广告,市场营销确实包含了销售和广告,但它研究的范畴远不止于此 。
Many persons who study the marketing but without many business experiences just think that marketing is sales and advertise.
2、市场营销短视是一个在市场营销学中经常使用的词语 , 也是TheodoreLevitt写的一篇市场营销文章的名字 。
Marketing myopia is a term used in marketing as well as the title of an important marketing paper written by Theodore Levitt.
sales representative
读法:[?seilz ?repri?zent?tiv]
例句:She had a stressful job as a sales representative. 作为一名销售代表,她的工作压力很大 。
sale *** an
读法:英 [?se?lzm?n] 美 [?selzm?n]
例句:Doctors are plaining about being barraged by drug-pany sale *** en. 医生们抱怨他们疲于应付医药公司的销售人员 。
读法:英 [?se?lzp?:sn] 美 [?se?lzp?:rsn]
例句:The salesperson greeted me with a warm hello. 售货员热情地和我打招呼 。
salespeople( salesperson的名词复数 )
读法:英 ['se?lz?pi:pl] 美 ['se?lz?pi:p?l]
例句:He had a staff of six salespeople working for him. 他手下有6名销售人员为他工作 。