熟词偏义”是英语中常见的情况 , 看似每个单词都认识,连在一起就不知道是什么意思
比如:autumn years,从字面意思看是“秋天的年”,真正意思你绝对想不到!
01、autumn years是什么意思?
剑桥词典是这样解释:Someone's autumn years are the later years of their life, especially after they have stopped working.
其实很好理解,如果把一年四季比喻人的一生 , 秋天接近一年的结束所以autumn years:(尤指退休后的)迟暮,暮年
![秋天的英文 “秋天”说成Autumn还是fall?](http://imgkk2.shadafang.com/240203/22324S1G-0.jpg)
①In his autumn years, Pikachu was able to enjoy his garden a lot more.
到了晚年,皮卡丘可以在他的花园享受了 。
②Pikachu wants to spend his autumn years in Xiamen and go fishing everyday.
皮卡丘想在厦门安度晚年,每天都去钓鱼 。
之前很多小伙伴问皮卡丘 , 同样是秋天的意思 , autumn和fall到底有什么不同?
02、autumn 和 fall有什么区别?
In Great Britain, the third season of the year usually has only one name: autumn.
在英国 , 一年的第三个季节通常都只有一个名字:autumn 。
![秋天的英文 “秋天”说成Autumn还是fall?](http://imgkk2.shadafang.com/240203/22324VJ2-1.jpg)
1)立秋=Beginning of Autumn
每年8月7、8或9日立秋 , 预示着炎热的夏天即将过去
The beginning of autumn doesn't mean the autumn has begun. Autumn starts when average temperature is below 22°C for 5 days in a row.
立秋不代表入秋,真正的秋天要根据“候平均温度”,当地连续5日的平均温度在22℃以下,才算真正进入秋天 。
2)秋分=Autumnal Equinox
每年的秋分发生在9月22日-9月23日 , 这一天太阳直射地球赤道,气温也开始由热转凉
On this day, the sun points directly at the earth’s equator, and the temperature also began to cool from the heat. The Autumnal Equinox is the best time for wheat-sowing.
这一天太阳直射地球赤道,气温也开始由热转凉 。“白露早,寒露迟,秋分种麦正当时”,此时也是播种小麦的更佳时节 。
既然聊到季节那么跟着皮卡丘学习,这个短语:in season
03、in season的三种用法
①in season=水果和蔬菜)当令的
Fruit is cheaper when it's in season.
当令水果要便宜一些 。
以此类推,out of season=水果和蔬菜)不当令的
In Europe, tomatoes are out of season in winter.
在欧洲,西红柿在冬季不是时令蔬菜 。
②in season=(雌性动物)在 *** 期/ in season=(动物)在狩猎期
![秋天的英文 “秋天”说成Autumn还是fall?](http://imgkk2.shadafang.com/240203/22324W5G-2.png)
③in season=在旅游旺季/out of season=在旅游淡季
Hotel rooms are more expensive in season.
在旅游旺季,宾馆的房间比较贵 。
【秋天的英文 “秋天”说成Autumn还是fall?】
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