Get 一词虽小,但它的用法却不少,为高考出现频率较高的一词汇之一,所谓高频词汇指的是一些词性多,意思多,用法多的三多词汇 。很多时候,越是简单短小的单词,其含义和用法越丰富 。比如,动词 “get”——除了可表示 “获得” 以外,它还可以表示 “明白;到达” 等等,GET概括起来有以下五种用法 。
文字版Hi, I’m Sian from BBC Learning English. Today, I’m going to give you five uses of the verb get. So you get five lessons for the price of one!
Number one – getcan mean buy or obtain. I gotmyself a new phone last weekend.
Number two – get can mean receive. So you can geta present, an email, or bad news. One second, I just gota message.
Number three – getwith an adjective can mean become. Ugh! So many messages! I’mgettingreally annoyed!
Number four – getcan also mean understand. Hang on, someone’s just sent me a joke… I don’t getit! ‘In tents!’ I getit!
Number five – getcan also mean arrive. I need to gethome early. So I’m off!
I love getting messages from you all. So write some comments using one of these uses of get!
用法总结Five uses of get
1. Getcan mean buy or obtain.
动词 “get” 可以表示 “购买,获得” 。
I gotmyself a new phone last weekend.
Look what I’ve gotfor you!
2. Getcan mean receive.
动词 “get” 可以表示 “收到” 。
I just gota message.
Did you getmy email?
3. Get with an adjective can mean become.
动词 “get” 后接形容词可以表示 “变得……” 。
So many messages! I’m gettingreally annoyed!
The soup is gettingcold.
4. Getcan also mean understand.
动词 “get” 可以表示 “理解,明白” 。
I don’t getthe joke.
Sorry, I don’t getwhat you mean.
5. Getcan also mean arrive.
动词 “get” 还可以表示 “到达” 。
I need to gethome early so I’m off!
What time will you be able to gethere?
除了以上五种用法外,Get还可以构成很多固定短语,如:get along 进行,相处 get back回来,找回 get down记下来,打下来get over 克服 get on 上(火车,公共汽车等),相处,进行get off 下(火车,公共汽车等)起飞,不惩罚 get rid of 消灭,摆脱,除掉get out 拔出,洗掉,传出去 get up 起床,起身 get to 到达get round 传开 get in touch with 和…..取得联系
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