本文目录三颗巧克力的故事翻译In 1519, the famous Spanish explorer Cortes led an expedition into the heart of Mexico. After a hard journey, the team go through untold hardships, reached a plateau. The team are all tired Yaosuanbeiteng, be tired out, a spread all across in confusion on the ground, does not want to move. Cortes is very anxious, the road ahead will be long, the players are so tired, how can this do?
- 1.三颗巧克力的故事翻译
- 2.德芙巧克力的历史故事
- 3.德芙巧克力的来历故事
- 4.巧克力的由来
At this moment, from the foot of the mountain and a team of indians. Friendly Indians see Cortes and one by one, be in the blues, immediately open the bags, put a few grains of cocoa beans, the ground into powder, and then boiled in water, after boiling in the cocoa water into SAP and pepper. Suddenly a pungent aroma in the air.
The Indians brought the dark water to Cortes. Cortes took a sip," Gee, bitter and spicy, it is difficult to drink!" However, considering the need to respect Indian ceremony, Cortes and the players reluctantly drank two export.
Unexpectedly, after a moment, the explorers like magic, physically recovered! Very surprised Cortes quickly to the Indians for cocoa water formula, formula of Indians will tell, and proudly said:" this is the immortal drink!"
In 1528, Cortes returned to Spain, to the king presented by the cocoa immortal drink, but, considering the characteristics of the diet, the clever Cortes used honey instead of sap and pepper.
Since then, cocoa beverages throughout the entire spanish.
One day, pull the Cisco cooking drink whim: modulation of this drink, every time to cook, too much trouble! If you could make solid food, eat when to take a small piece, a salt water can eat, or directly into the mouth can eat, that is good!
Then, pull the Cisco began repeating test. Eventually, he adopted the concentration, drying and other measures, the successful production of solid-like cocoa beverage. As a result of cocoa is coming from Mexico, in the Mexico dialect, it is called" Chocola Taurus", therefore, Cisco will pull his solid-like cocoa beverage called" chocolate".
Pull the Cisco invented chocolate, chocolate is the first generation.
Ferrero Rocher ( Ferrero Rocher ) was founded in Italy in 1964, it is the world's fourth largest chocolate.
Ferrero Rocher ( Ferrero Rocher ) to create a multi-layer material: outer layer of chocolate covered with pieces and nuts, in Granville, soft chocolate and a complete hazelnut. Every Ferrero Rocher ( Ferrero Rocher ) 27 calories.
德芙巧克力的历史故事巧克力是一个外来词Chocolate的译音(曾被译为“朱古力”) 。主原料是可可豆(像椰子般的果实,在树干上会开花结果),它的起源甚早,始于墨西哥极盛一时的阿斯帝卡王朝最后一任皇帝孟特儒,当时是崇拜巧克力的社会,喜欢以辣椒、番椒、香草豆和香料添加在饮料中,打起泡沫,并以黄金杯子每天喝50CC,是属于宫廷成员的饮料,它的学名Theobroma有“众神的饮料”之意,被视为贵重的强心、利尿的药剂,它对胃液中的蛋白质分解酵素具有活化性的作用,可帮助消化 。
1519年,以西班牙著名探险家科尔特斯为首的探险队进入墨西哥腹地 。旅途艰辛,队伍历经千辛万苦,到达了一个高原 。队员们个个累得腰酸背疼、筋疲力尽,一个个横七竖八地躺在地上,不想动弹 。科尔特斯很着急,前方的路还很长呢,队员们都累成这样了,这可怎么办呢? 色彩巧克力
正在这时,从山下走来一队印第安人 。友善的印第安人见科尔特斯他们一个个无精打采,立刻打开行囊,从中取出几粒可可豆,将其碾成粉末状,然后加水煮沸,之后又在沸腾的可可水中放入树汁和胡椒粉 。顿时一股浓郁的芳香在空中弥漫开来 。印第安人把那黑乎乎的水端给科尔特斯他们 。科尔特斯尝了一口,“哎呀,又苦又辣,真难喝!”但是,考虑到要尊重印第安人的礼节,科尔特斯和队员们还是勉强喝了两口 。没想到,才过了一会儿功夫,探险队员们好像被施了魔法一样,体力得到了恢复!惊讶万分的科尔特斯连忙向印第安人打听可可水的配方,印第安人将配方如实相告,并得意地说:“这可是神仙饮料啊!” 1528年,科尔特斯回到西班牙,向国王敬献了这种由可可做成的神仙饮料,只是,考虑到西班牙人的饮食特点,聪明的科尔特斯用蜂蜜代替了树汁和胡椒粉 。“这饮料真不错!”国王喝了连声叫好,并因此封科尔特斯为爵士 。从那以后,可可饮料风靡了整个西班牙 。一位名叫拉思科的商人,因为经营可可饮料而发了大财 。一天,拉思科在煮饮料时突发奇想:调制这种饮料,每次都要煮,实在太麻烦了!要是能将它做成固体食品,吃的时候取一小块,用水一冲就能吃,或者直接放入嘴里就能吃,那该多好啊! 于是,拉思科开始了反复的试验 。最终,他采用浓缩、烘干等办法,成功地生产出了固体状的可可饮料 。由于可可饮料是从墨西哥传来的,在墨西哥土语里,它叫“巧克拉托鲁”,因此,拉思科将他的固体状可可饮料叫做“巧克力特” 。拉思科发明的巧克力特,是巧克力的第一代 。西班牙人是很会保密的 。他们严格保密可可饮料的配方,对巧克力特的配方也守口如瓶 。直到200年以后的1763年,一位英国商人才成功地获得了配方,将巧克力特引进到英国 。英国生产商根据本国人的口味,在原料里增加了牛奶和奶酪,于是,“奶油巧克力”诞生了 。奶油巧克力,是巧克力的第二代 。当时,巧克力的味道虽说不错,但和现在的口感无法相比 。这是因为,可可粉中含有油脂,无法与水、牛奶等融为一体,因此巧克力的口感很不爽滑 。直到1829年,荷兰科学家万·豪顿发明了可可豆脱脂技术,才使巧克力的色香味臻于完美 。经过脱脂处理后生产出来的巧克力,爽滑细腻,口感极佳,是巧克力的第三代,也就是我们现在所享用的 。大家一起来,拿起一块巧克力,细细品味它的醇美浓香吧!
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