
  • 1.友达以上恋人未满什么意思
  • 2.《恋人未满》杰佣小说
  • 3.恋人未满是什么意思
  • 4.友情过半恋人未满是什么意思
友达以上,恋人未满意思是:指彼此的感情超过朋友之间的感情,可以说是知己的关系,但是恋人还没有达到,也就是现在是非常要好的知己,但却暂时不是恋人 。
词语原义:恋人未满在古代意为一个人贪恋美色,已经妻妾成群,仍然得不到满足,继续沾花弄草,表达了日本劳动人民对于庄园主、封建地主、武士三妻四妾的不满 。后来随着时代变化,以及日语和汉语语法存在差异,人们将词语古义曲解,理解成了两个人的关系超过一般朋友,但还没发展成恋人 。


S.H.E的歌曲《恋人未满》中有一句“再向前一点点,我就会点头”,因此在现实中,对于那些就差一点点的事情,称之为“恋人未满” 。
例如打升级,40分上台,如果只得了35分,就称之为“恋人未满”;踢足球,打在立柱上的球也称之为“恋人未满” 。另外,CBA北京金隅队连续3个赛季都打成了“恋人未满”而没有进入季后赛:都是第9名,而且只要再多赢一场比赛就可以晋级 。

《恋人未满》杰佣小说「恋人未满」的灵感主要是来自日文「友达以上,恋人未满」,意思是说两人的关系不只是朋友但还不到情人的尴尬阶段,歌词细腻传递女生在此尴尬期对爱情的憧憬与期待 。歌词 为什么只和你能聊一整夜 为什么才道别就又想再见面 在朋友里面就数你最特别 总让我觉得很亲很贴 为什么你在意谁陪我逛街 为什么你担心谁对我放电 你说你对我 比别人多一些 却又不说是多哪一些 友达以上 恋人未满 甜蜜心烦 愉悦混乱 我们以后 会变怎样 我迫不及待想知道答案 再靠近一点点 就让你牵手 再勇敢一点点 我就跟你走 你还等什么 时间已经不多 再下去 只好只做朋友 再向前一点点 我就会点头 再冲动一点点 我就不闪躲 不过三个字 别犹豫这么久 只要你说出口 你就能拥有我 为什么你寂寞只想要我陪 为什么我难过只肯让你安慰 我们心里面 明明都有感觉 为什么不敢面对 为什么你寂寞只想要我陪 为什么我难过只肯让你安慰 我们心里面 明明都有感觉 为什么不敢面对 友达以上 恋人未满 甜蜜心烦 愉悦混乱 我们以后 会变怎样 我迫不及待想知道答案 再靠近一点点 就让你牵手 再勇敢一点点 我就跟你走 你还等什么 时间已经不多 再下去 只好只做朋友 再向前一点点 我就会点头 再冲动一点点 我就不闪躲 不过三个字 别犹豫这么久 只要你说出口 你就能拥有我 我不相信 都动了感情却到不了爱情 那么贴心却进不了心底 你能不能快一点决定 对我说我爱你 再靠近一点点 就让你牵手 再勇敢一点点 我就跟你走 你还等什么 时间已经不多 再下去 只好只做朋友 再向前一点点 我就会点头 再冲动一点点 我就不闪躲 不过三个字 别犹豫这么久 只要你说出口 你就能拥有我 只要你说出口 你就能拥有我 英文原版 Destiny's Child[命运之子]-《Brown Eyes》 Remember the first day when I saw your face remember the first day when you smiled at me you stepped to me and you said to me I was the woman you dreamed about remember the first day when you called my house remember the first day when you took me out we had butterflies although we tried to hide and we both had a beautiful night The way we held each others hand the way we talked the way we laughed it felt so good to find true love I knew right then and there you were the one I know that he loves me cause he told me so I know that he loves me cause his feelings show when he stares at me you know that he cares for me you see how he is so deep in love I know that he loves me cause its obvious I know that he loves me cause it’s me he trusts and he’s missing me if he’s not kissing me and when he looks at me his brown eyes tells his soul Remember the first day, the first day we kissed remember the first day we had an argument we apologized and then we compromised and we haven’t argued since remember the first day we stopped playing games remember the first day you fell in love with me it felt so good for you to say those words cause I felt the same way too The way we held each others hand the way we talked the way we laughed it felt so good to fall in love and I knew right then and there you were the one I know that he loves me cause he told me so I know that he loves me cause his feelings show when he stares at me you know that he cares for me you see how he is so deep in love I know that he loves me cause its obvious I know that he loves me cause it’s me he trusts and he’s missing me if he’s not kissing me and when he looks at me his brown eyes tells his soul i’m so happy so happy that you’re in my life and baby now that you’re a part of me you showed me showed me the true meaning of love and i know he loves me I know that he loves me cause he told me so I know that he loves me cause his feelings show when he stares at me you know that he cares for me you see how he is so deep in love I know that he loves me cause its obvious I know that he loves me cause it’s me he trusts and he’s missing me if he’s not kissing me and when he looks at me his brown eyes tells his soul He looks at me and his brown eyes tell his soul