日出英文sunrise 。单词发音:英式 [?s?nra?z] 、美 式[?s?nra?z] 。
表达意思:日出(时分),黎明;晨曦,朝霞;(Sunrise)森赖斯(弗罗里达州一城市);(Sunrise)松里泽(人名) 。
例句:1、The sunset rivaled the sunrise in beauty.日落与日出的景色一样美 。2、Stars are not seen by sunshine.日出星隐,相形见绌 。3、The sunrise was a splendid spectacle.日出是个壮观的景象 。日出是每个早晨太阳的一半从地平线探出头的时刻,也指太阳穿过地平线的整个过程及其伴随的大气效应 。
日出的时间会随季节及各地方纬度的不同而改变 。传统上认为在北半球,冬至时日出的时间最晚,然而事实上日出最晚的时间该是1月初 。同一道理,日出最早的时间并非在夏至时,而是在6月初 。
日出“sunrise”,英音和美音的读法没有什么区别,都是:['s?nra?z],重音在最前面 。而重音在单词中的位置往往决定了听者能不能正确领会所发声的单词含义,因为有少数意思不同的单词发音区别很小;另外,同一个单词有时候重音的不同也表达了说话者态度和情感的区别 。
「夕阳、黄昏、日出」英文怎么说?秒懂sunset、dusk、sunrise中文意思!夕阳、黄昏、日出英文应该怎么说呢?夕阳的英文叫做sunset,黄昏的英文则叫做dusk或nightfall,日出的英文则叫做sunrise,夕阳、黄昏跟日出这三个英文单字都很常用,一定要知道唷 。下面整理了「夕阳、黄昏、日出」的相关英文说法与英文例句,赶快学起来吧!1.sunset夕阳夕阳的英文叫做sunset,sunset的中文意思就是指日落、夕阳的意思 。
例:Wesatonthebeachwatchingaspectacularsunset.我们坐在海滩上观看壮丽的夕阳 。
例:Thebeautyofasunsetisineffable.日落之美是无法形容的 。2.dusk黄昏黄昏的英文则叫做dusk,是指傍晚但天色还没完全变暗的那段时间 。例:Duskwasfallingaswedrovehome.当我们开车回家时,黄昏降临 。例:Jennyworkedfromdawntilldusk.珍妮从早工作到晚 。
3.sunrise日出日出的英文则叫做sunrise,sun是太阳的意思,rise则是上升、升起的意思,合再一起就是日出的意思啦 。例:Therainbeganbeforesunrise.这场雨开始于日出之前 。例:Therewasabeautifulsunrisethismorning.今天日出很美 。
watch/gaze at/see the sunrise看日出eg.1.你必须立刻起床,否则你会错过看日出 。You must get up right now , otherwise you will miss the sunrise2. 到了第二天,我们四点就起床了,我们一起去赶海,去看日出,到了海边,我们拿着照相机,一起把日出给记录下来 。
The next day , we got up four points , we were to catch the sea, to see the sunrise , to the beach , we are holding a camera , along with the sunrise to the record .延伸:sunrise / sun rise日出;sunset / sun set日落;at sunrise and sunset在日出和日落的时候eg.1.这个变化非常微妙,你可能从来都未曾注意,当然,除了在日出和日落的时候 。
The effect is so subtle , you 'd never notice it. Except , of course , at sunset or sunrise2.但当我们谈到白天与黑夜时,我们所指“Day”的意思是指日出与日落之间的时间 。
During the May Day holiday, my parents and I climbed Mount Tai. We were lucky that it was fine that day and we were able to see the sunrise.At 4:30 in the morning we were already,on the top, waiting for the sun to rise.First a bit of pale ray appeared in the east, then it became brighter and brighter. An orange top of a cap rose little by little from the sea. Suddenly, the sun sprang out of the seawater, looking like a large elliptic ball, and the sky in the east became red. Later, the sun was hidden behind a piece of cloud. When it appeared again, the sun changed from red to bright red, then to golden. AS it rose it became silvery white and shone out. The light was so strong that we could't look at it directly.At that time,the whole mountain was in the golden sunlight.日出五一长假期间,我和父母登上了泰山 。彳艮幸运,那天天气晴朗,我们看到了日出 。
早晨四点半,我们已经爬上了山顶,等待太阳的升起 。
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