coupon 是什么意思
coupon[ku:pCn]n.息票, 商家的优待券coupon[5ku:pRn]n.(公债等的)息票(附在商品上的)赠券,附单,订货单I've kept the special coupon from the box of washing powder, so that I can get my next box cheaper.我留下了洗衣粉盒子上的优惠券,这样我下次买时可以便宜些 。配给票,配给券couponAHD:[k??p?n?, ky??-]D.J.:[6ku87p%n, 6kju8-]K.K.:[6ku7p$n, 6kju-] n.abbr:cp.A negotiable certificate attached to a bond that represents a sum of interest due. 利息单证券上的代表一定数目利息的可流通证书One of a set of detachable certificates that may be torn off and redeemed as needed: 联票,票券一系列可分开的证书之一,可以在需要时撕下和赎回:a food coupon.食品联票A detachable part, as of a ticket or advertisement, that entitles the bearer to certain benefits, such as a cash refund or a gift. 礼券,优待券一个可分开的部分,如票或广告中使持有者获得某种利益的部分,如现金返回或礼物A certificate accompanying a product that may be redeemed for a cash discount. 配给券,票证可以用现金贴现来偿还的和产品附在一起的证书A printed form, as in an advertisement, to be used as an order blank or for requesting information or obtaining a discount on merchandise. 定货单印刷的表格,如广告中用来作为定货单或用来咨询或卖出后获取贴现A detachable slip calling for periodic payments, as for merchandise bought on an installment plan. 分期付款联票要求分期付款的可分离纸条,为付给以分期付款计划买来的东西French法语fromOld French colpon[ piece cut off ]源自古法语 colpon[ 切下的一片 ]from colper[ to cut ]源自 colper[ 切 ]from colp[ blow ]源自 colp[ 打,击 ]*See Also : coupA Roman might have had difficulty predicting what would become of the Latin wordcolaphus, which meant ?a blow with the fist.? In Old French, a language that developed from Latin, Late Latincolpus, from Latincolaphus, becamecolp, or modern Frenchcoup, with the same sense.Coup has had a rich development in French, gaining numerous senses, participating in numerous phrases, such ascoup d'état (a term that we have borrowed), and giving rise to many derivatives, includingcouper, ?to cut; literally, to divide with a blow or stroke.?Couper yielded the wordcoupon, ?a portion that is cut off,? which came to refer to a certificate that was detachable from a principal certificate. The detachable certificate could be exchanged for interest or dividend payments by the holder of the principal certificate.Coupon is first recorded in English in 1822 with this sense and then came to apply to forms or tickets, detachable or otherwise, that could be exchanged for various benefits or used to request information.罗马人大概很难想象拉丁词 colaphus意为“拳头的一击”所发生的变化 。
在由拉丁文发展而来的古法语中,由拉丁词 colaphus转变为后期拉丁文中的 colpus,变为了 colp或现代法语中的 coup,意思未变 。
Coup在法语中变化发展很多,具有了许多意思,组成了许多短语,如 coup d'ètat(英语中已借用的单词),并生成许多派生词,包括 couper“切;字面上的意思是用一击或一打使分开 。” Couper又产生了 coupon一词,意思是“切掉的一部分”, 并且还用来指可从主要证书中分开的票证 。这个可分票证可以由主证书的持有者为得利息或分期付款进行交换 。
coupon美 ['ku.pɑn]英 ['ku?p?n]n.配给券;(购物)票证;(购物)优惠券;订货单 折价券;息票;赠券复数:coupons 例句筛选1.Bo
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