


堆雪人的英文是:make a snowmanmake a snowman读音:英 [meik ? ?sn???m?n]美 [mek e ?sno?m?n] 例句:1.Hooray! It "s snowing! It" s time to make a snowman.噢噢哦!下雪了!是时候堆个雪人了 。2.Jacob and his brother make a snowman and wrap it in a scrap of cloth they find.雅各布和弟弟堆了个雪人,并用从别处找来的一小块布把它裹起来 。
3.I am going to make a big snowman.我要堆一个好大好大的雪人 。
4.Children make a snowman in Tivissa during one of the first snowfalls of the year in thisnortheastern part of spain.西班牙西北部下了今年的第一场雪,孩童在提维沙堆雪人 。

堆雪人的英语是make a snowman,具体释义如下:读音:[me?k ? ?sn??m?n]表达意思:堆雪人 。词性:通常在句中作动词,修饰主语或宾语 。
固定搭配:Let's Build a Snowman大家一起堆雪人 。
例句1、Do you want to build a snowman?你想堆雪人儿吗?2、We went to build a snowman but before it was half finished I was chilled to the bone.我们去堆雪人,但还未完成一半时,我已感到寒气刺骨了 。3、For instance, every Sunday night, one couple, Orbuch said, would go out in their snow-filled backyard and have a snowball fight or build a snowman.Or buch给我们举了个例子,每个星期日的晚上,一对夫妇都会去白雪皑皑的院子里打雪仗,堆雪人 。

堆雪人是下雪天才能享受的一项有趣的活动,即使冷也阻挡不了人们堆雪人的兴致,你知道堆雪人的的英文是什么吗?现在跟我一起学习关于堆雪人的英语知识吧 。堆雪人的的英文释义堆雪人 [duī xuě rén]make a snowman ;build a snowman堆雪人的的英文例句孩子们,看!雪下得多大,堆雪人去吧 。
Look boy! How is the snow coming down.Go and make a snow man.当然!我们堆雪人好吗?A:Certainly! Shall we make a snowman?爸爸,咱们去堆雪人 。
Dad, let's go make a snowman.克斯伯里说这些凹痕和你在雪地里堆雪人留下的凹痕类似 。Duxbury said these features look like grooves you make in the snow when you’re building a snowman.我们在冬天可以堆雪人 。We can make a snowman in winter.我们可以堆雪人也可以打雪仗 。We can make a snowman and throw snowballs.因为我能和我的朋友们堆雪人 。
Because I can make snowmen with my friends.我们一直都在外面玩打雪仗,堆雪人 。We always play outside, have snowball fight, and make snow man.因为可以堆雪人 。Because I can make a snowman.我和哥哥去外面堆雪人,打雪仗 。
My brother and I went outside a snowman , snowball fights.冬天是寒冷的 。每逢冬天,我可以堆雪人和滑雪 。我喜欢玩雪 。
Winter is cold. In winter, I can make a snowman and go skiing. I like to play withthe snow.下雪了,咱们来堆雪人 。Snow! Let's make a snowman.我会堆雪人 。I can make a snowman.在什么时节本人们能够堆雪人?In which season can we make snowman?我们都可以穿暖和的衣服,出去堆雪人 。
We can wear warm clothes and go outside to make snowmen.那样我就可以和孩子一起堆雪人了 。Then I would build a snowman with my child.我喜欢冬天下雪的时候,我们可以堆雪人 。I like snowy days. We can make a snowman. minihome.这也是孩子们最高兴的时候了,他们可以堆雪人,打雪仗…This is the most exciting time for children, for they can heap up snowman and play snowball flight.在互相掷雪球,的在堆雪人 。Some were throwing snowballs to each other, others were making a snowman.自己喜好下雪天,由于能够玩雪、堆雪人和溜冰 。
I like snow day, cause can play with snow, make snowman and skate on the ice.他们在房子外面堆雪人,手冻得通红 。They were making a snowman outside the house, hands red with cold.在什么季节我们可以堆雪人 。In which season we can make snowmen?有些人正在堆雪人 。Some are making snowmen.我们堆雪人,打雪仗,在银白的世界里尽情地嬉戏;We Build snowmen, snowball fights, in the silver of the world enjoy to play;因为下雪,我能堆雪人 。
Because it's snowy, I can make . snowmen.关于堆雪人的英文阅读:日本打破堆雪人记录Residents of a Japanese town have broken the world speed record for building snowmen. Citizens at the Iiyama Snow Festival in Nagano made 1,585 of the snowy fellows in one hour to set the new mark. Around 630 people took part in the record attempt. The previous record was 1,279 snowmen, set in Utah, USA in 2011. The event in Iiyama Town coincided with the opening of a new train station for Japan's famous bullet train. Justin Patterson, the adjudicator from the official Guinness World Records organisation, said the event had been a wo