pe热熔液压对接焊机的操作步骤是什么?( 三 )

The pipe ends are faced flat & parallel to each other to give a good mating for fusion.(3)管端加热见附件:图(3)
</b>加热板待恒温后放入机架对管材端面进行加热,并根据管径及环境温度来调整加热时间及压力 。
The heater is placed into machine, Both pipe ends are brought together against the heater.(4)焊接见附件:图(4)</b> </b>管端加热后迅速将加热板移开,然后立即将管材对接,并根据管径的不同进行对接压力调整 。
The pipe soaks against the heater and begins to melt. Both ends are brought together and beg in to bond immediately.(5)完成 ??见附件:图(5)</b></B>
当焊口温度降到与环境一致时,将管材自焊接机上移开 。完全的接口强度可达到甚至超过本身的强度 。
The pipe is held at pressure until cool leaving a joint stro