第17天Blist1*list5→6*list21→22 *list27→28*list31→32 背:1-2; 背:3-4; 背:5-6; 复习:1-6;(32:28) 复习:43-61(5:10) 复习:210-230;(4:35) 复习:272-277;(3:50) 复习:311-329;(4:50) 复习:Blist1(16:45) 复习:Blist1(12:10) It is my daughter’s fourteenth birthday today; There are four seasons in a year and I like spring the most. My tooth ached, so I had to see the dentist. I think the book is worth reading. Tom was afraid of seeing blood. The thieves got scared and ran away. Rainfall is plentiful in this area. Tom lent me some mo
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