


subway表地铁; 地下通道的意思 , 那么你知道subway的同义词有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了subway的同义词 , 希望能帮到大家 。subway的同义词辨析underground, subway, tube这些名词均可表示"地铁"之意 。
subway : 指城市中的地铁或通道 , 主要用于美国 。tube : 主要用于英国口语中 。subway的词组习语go down the tube (或tubes)1. (非正式)一败涂地 , 完全失败这个国家正缓慢而不可挽回地走向绝境 。the country is going slowly and surely down the tubes.down the tubes 或 down the tube &I{【俚语】}1. 失败或毁掉看到她所有的计划付之东流saw all her plans go down the tubes.subway的例句1. The majority of us feel worried if we walk through a subway.大多数人在走地下通道时都感到害怕 。
2. A 15-year-old girl was attacked at knifepoint in a subway.一名15岁的女孩在地铁里遭持刀袭击 。3. Steps lead down to the subway from the upstream side.上游那边有台阶通向地铁 。4. The subway was covered in graffiti.过街地道里涂满了乱七八糟的图画和文字 。
5. the New York subway纽约地铁6. Many of the city's populace travel to work by subway or bus.许多城市的平民都是坐地铁或公共汽车上下班.7. Go by subway — it'll take you forever if you go by bus.坐地铁去吧!要是你乘公共汽车去,得花很长的时间.8. Cross by the subway please.请走地下人行通道.9. He goes to work on the subway.他坐地铁上班.10. The new subway is now being laid.新的地铁正在铺设中.11. After the second explosion, all of London's main train and subway stations were shut down.第二次爆炸后 , 伦敦所有的主要火车站和地铁站都关闭了 。12. Trains are thundering in and out all the time at a subway station.地铁车站上列车进进出出,整天轰隆轰隆地响个不停.13. "I could take the subway and have David pick me up at the station." — "Nothing doing."“我可以坐地铁 , 然后让戴维到车站接我 。”——“不行 。
”14. Diego noticed Pamela when she got on the subway train.在帕梅拉走进地铁的时候,蒂亚哥看到了她.15. Ray used to sing and play the guitar in the subway.雷经常在地铁里边唱边弹吉他.subway的同义词例句1. Solid low-level waste will be disposed of deep underground.放射性水平低的固体废料将做地下深埋处理 。2. They are accused of organising and financing an underground youth movement.他们被指控组织并资助地下青年运动 。3. The inves-tigators found that the underground pipes were badly corroded.调查人员发现地下管道严重腐蚀 。
4. An underground organisation has claimed respo