
导读:偶尔看到这张图,注重到了这句话Your are my lobster,字面意思是“你是我的龙虾”,可翻译成:你是我的最爱 。英文解释如下:Refers to the person of whom another is meant to be
Your are my lobster,字面意思是“你是我的龙虾”,可翻译成:你是我的最爱 。
Refers to the person of whom another is meant to be with forever.
指一个注定要和另一个人永远在一起的人 。The person you are supposed to be with the rest of your life.
你应该与之共度余生的人 。The term originated due to the fact that lobsters mate for life.
这一说法源于龙虾是生死相依,终身为伴的生物 。*mate for life:终生为伴,生死相依,从一而终
《老友记》中Phoebe曾用“ she is your lobster”来形容Ross和Rachel的关系,
Phoebe: (in reference to Ross and Rachel) hang in there, its gonna happen Ross: Okay, now how do you know that? Phoebe: Because shes your lobster.. come on your guys, its a known fact that lobsters fall in love and mate for life. ... you can actually see old lobster couples walking around their tank holding claws
知乎里面是这样写的:在国外,“龙虾”是寓意着爱情、伴侣的 。因为年纪很大的龙虾还是会手牵着手在海底散步的 。于是,龙虾就成了坚贞不渝的爱情的代名词 。
According to the latest edition of Websters dictionary, one meaning of lobster is a gullible, awkward, bungling, or undesirable fellow.
的意思是:一个轻易上当、笨拙、笨拙或不受欢迎的家伙 。Lobster is slang for a person who is sunburnt.Lobster is a slang expression of contempt for a gullible, awkward, bungling, or undesirable person.龙虾是俚语,指晒黑的人 。龙虾(Lobster)是对笨拙、笨手笨脚或不受欢迎的人表示轻视的俚语表达 。往期推荐:Sharenting竟然是“晒娃”的意思You were made for me:你是我喜欢的类型butterflies in stomach:七上八下to no avail:徒劳无功Left on read:已读不回
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