
导读:编辑:朱老师审核:王老师适合人群:初中学生及家长、英语教师等maybe 的用法知识点梳理1. adv. 也许,可能 。同义词: perhaps/possibly/probably2. maybe与may bemaybe为副词,经常置于句首,用
maybe 的用法

也许,可能 。

同义词: perhaps/possibly/probably

2. maybe与may be

maybe为副词,经常置于句首,用于修饰整个句子 。

may be中的may为情态动词,与动词 be 连用,相称于“情态动词+动词原形”的结构 。may的过去式为might 。

maybe和maybe二者均可用于推测 。

注重:maybe、may、may be这三个单词是中考时考察情态动词部分的易考点 。

知识点定向训练1. Maybe the aliens(外星人)are living under the earth.

= The aliens_____ _____living under the earth.

2. Maybe the scientists’ group ever studied something here.

= The scientists group_______ever_______ something here.

3. The bear may like eating honey and come for it.

=_______the bear______eating honey and comes for it.

4. —What can we do to reduce(降低)the water pollution?

—Stopping throwing rubbish by the sea______a good choice.

A. maybe

B. may be

C. maybe is

5.______she needs to learn English well for this visit.

A. Maybe

B. May be

C. May

6. _______Peter was ill yesterday, so he didn’t take part in Lily’s birthday party.

A. Maybe

B. May be

C. May

7. 这个年轻人可能就是及时把这位老妇人送到医院的人 。

The young man ______ ______ the man who took the old woman to the hospital in time.

=_____ _____the young man ______ the man who took the old woman to the hospital in time.


may bemight, studyMaybe, likesBAAmight, be; Maybe, was作者:
王老师,英语教师,从事教学16年 。本号日常推文主要包括:初高中英语知识的梳理和剖析,中高考英语考点的讲解与总结 。推文主要面向中高考学生,每日分享学生们能够实实在在用得到的英语知识,特殊适合双减后能够独立学习的初高中生!
总结:以上内容就是对于也许的近义词,的具体介绍,文章内容部分转载自互联网,希望对您了解也许的近义词有帮助和参考的价值 。