你永远不会知道你有新欢的时候,我是一幅怎样的表现,我依旧徘徊在我们曾经的旧爱里痛苦,你永远不会知道我崩溃了多少个人夜晚 。
You never know how I behaved when you had a new love. I still lingered in our old love and suffered. You never know how many personal nights I collapsed.
当的我被你一次又一次的伤害,慢慢的我学会了自愈,最后成就了我此时百毒不侵的我 。
When I was hurt by you again and again, I learned to heal myself slowly, and finally I became a harmless person at this time.
现在我才明白,我们就行永远都是不可能交在一起的两条线,不管我们如何努力都是没有用的,因为我们的关系就是一对平行线 。
Now I realize that we can never be two lines that can;t be joined together. No matter how hard we try, it is useless, because our relationship is a pair of parallel lines.
我的世界有你过你之后,就再也容不下其她人了,但是你失去我以后,你的世界里可以海纳百川,容下所有人 。
There is no room for others in my world after you have passed you, but after you lose me, your world can accommodate all people.
我所对别人的看不见,就是因为我认为我已经有你了,但是你却是一个不能确定的未来,你我的变数太多了,你对我的爱就好像天气一样,变幻莫测 。
I can;t see others because I think I already have you, but you are an uncertain future. There are too many variables between you and me, and your love for me is just like the weather.
我用我整个的青春去守护你,去爱你,但是最后我却要用我的余生来忘记你,感觉好遗憾呀,我最后才发我们居然连一张合影都没有 。
I use my whole youth to guard you and love you, but in the end I have to forget you for the rest of my life. It;s a pity that I finally found out that we didn;t even have a photograph.
从失去你以后,我的生命里就多了很多人,感觉所有的人都和你很像,但是我知道那些人都不是你,你留给我的只有痛苦,舍不得 。
Since I lost you, there have been many people in my life, and I feel that all of them are very similar to you, but I know that those people are not you, and all you have left me is pain.
【两个人是不在同一平行线的人(不在平行线上的两个人)】图来源网络,侵删 。