
在遇见你之前,我让事情变得容易了 。遇见你之后,我觉得你很平静 。
I made things easy before I met you. After I met you, I thought you were calm.
对世界来说,你是一个人,但对我来说,你是我的整个世界 。
To the world you may be one person, but to me you may be the world.


想牵手,去一个叫做永远的地方,看一望永恒的风景,尝一尝大海的味道 。
Want to hold hands, go to a place called forever, look at the eternal scenery, taste the taste of the sea.
你没有我喜欢的一切,但我喜欢你拥有的一切 。
You don't have everything I like, but I love everything you have.


我要爱你,一颗心,一颗心,一颗心用我的余生 。就是这样,没有别的 。
I want to love you, heart, heart, heart for the rest of my life. That's it. Nothing else.
酒窝里没有酒,我醉得像条狗 。
There's no wine in the dimple. I'm as drunk as a dog.


我只和你住在一起 。当我独自一人时,即使是最明亮的太阳也会失去光彩 。
I only live with you. When I'm alone, even the brightest sun loses its luster.
我这辈子最疯狂的事就是爱上你,最大的希望就是让你和我一起疯狂一辈子 。
The craziest thing in my life is to fall in love with you, the greatest hope is to let you and I together crazy life.


我最想要的是时间的尽头,我永远和你在一起 。
What I want most is the end of time, I'll be with you forever.
像山间的清风,古城的暖光,从山上到从早到晚的学习,希望有你这样的人,只要你到最后 。
Like the mountain breeze, the warm light of the ancient city, from the mountain to the study from morning to night, I hope there are people like you, as long as you come to the end.


遇见你,我怕触电 。我看不到你 。需要收费 。没有你我会失去力量 。
Meeting you, I was afraid of getting electrocuted. I can't see you. There is a charge. I would lose my strength without you.
我能想到的最浪漫的事,就是和你一起变老 。
The most romantic thing I can think of is to grow old with you.


如果你爱我,我会陪着你 。你不爱我,我就放你走 。这是一个愚蠢的我,一个关心你的人 。
If you love me, I'll stay with you. If you don't love me, I'll let you go. This is a stupid me, someone who cares about you.
生活在没有你的世界里,比任何惩罚都痛苦 。你知道对我来说没有人可以取代你 。
To live in a world without you is more painful than any punishment. You know that no one can replace you for me.


无论世界如何,只要存在,就是天堂 。
No matter how the world, as long as there is, is heaven.
你无法照顾好自己,因为你是世界上唯一的人 。
You can't take care of yourself because you're the only person in the world.
【内涵段子现在叫什么(爱情段子)】和你一样,一见钟情,成为伴儿,最后白头偕老 。
Like you, fall in love at first sight, become a companion, and finally grow old together.


我不能给你一声巨响,但我可以给你永远 。
I can't give you a bang, but I can give you forever.
今天是昨天,明天是过去,但我一直在你身边,让你永远拥有现在 。
Today is yesterday, tomorrow is the past, but I am always by your side, let you always have now.


当有人问我为什么爱你时,我想我只能回答: “因为是你 。
When someone asks me why I love you, I think I can only answer: "Because it is you.
因为是我 。”
Because it's me."