
instinct [in?sti?kt] n. 本能,直觉;天性
【习惯用语】①act on instinct 凭直觉行动②by instinct 出于本能③have an instinct for 生来就有……的本能,生性爱好,天性就会
【长难例句】When that happens, it is not a mistake: it is mankind's instinct for moral reasoning in action, an instinct that should be encouraged rather than laughed at. 这种反应并不错,这是人类用道德观念进行推理的本能在起作用,这种本能应得到鼓励,而不应遭到嘲弄 。
institute [?institju?t; (US) ?inst?tu?t] n. 学院,研究所;机构
vt. 建立,创立,制定
【习惯用语】Bible institute [college] 基督教大学
institution [?insti?tju??(?)n; (US) ?inst??tu??n] n. ①惯例,制度;协会;社会团体,机构
instruct [in?str?kt] vt. 教,教授;指导,指示
instruction [in?str?k?(?)n] n. 指示,用法说明(书),教育,指导,指令
instrument [?instrument] n. ①工具,仪器;乐器
act as another's instrument 做别人的傀儡
instrumental [?instru?ment(?)l] a. ①(in)起作用的,有帮助的②用乐器演奏的
insufficient [?ins??fi?(?)nt] a. ①不足的,不够的②不适合的,不能胜任的
insulate [?insjuleit] vt. 隔离,使孤立
insult [in?s?lt] n. /vt. 侮辱,凌辱
【习惯用语】①add insult to injury 连打带骂,既伤害又侮辱;倒霉又倒霉②offer an insult to 侮辱③pocket [swallow] an insult忍受侮辱,忍辱含垢
insurance [in??u?r?ns] n. 保险,保险单,保险业,保险费
insure [in??u?(r)] vt. 保险,保证
【习惯用语】insure against 投保……险;使免受
intact [in?t?kt] a. 完整无缺的,未经触动的,未受损伤的
integral [?intiɡr(?)l] a. 构成整体所必需的,基本的
integrate [?intiɡreit] vi. 结合
vt. 使成整体,使一体化,求……的积分
integrity [in?teɡriti] n. 正直,诚实,完整,完全,完整性
intellect [?intilekt] n. ①理智,智力
intellectual [?inti?lektju?l] n. 知识分子 a. 智力的
【长难例句】Interest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves. 人们之所以关注历史研究的方法论,主要是因为史学界内部意见不一,其次是因为外界并不认为历史是一门学问 。
intelligence [in?telid??ns] n. 智力,智慧;情报
intelligent [in?telid?(?)nt] a. 聪明的,智慧的
【长难例句】As a result, the modern world is increasingly populated by intelligent gizmos whose presence we barely notice but whose universal existence has removed much human labor. 因此,当今世界充满着越来越多的聪明的小玩意,我们很少注意到它们的存在,但是它们的普遍存在已经替代了很多人类的劳动 。
intelligible [in?telid?ib(?)l] a. 可理解的,明白易懂的,清楚的
intend [in?tend] vt. 打算,意欲
【习惯用语】①be intended to (do) 意思是使;是用来②be intended to be 规定为,确定为③it is intended that 企图,意图是
intense [in?tens] a. 强烈的,热烈的
【长难例句】The capital intended to broaden the export base and secure efficiency gains from international trade was channeled instead into uneconomic import substitution. 用于扩大出口基地和保障国际贸易效益的资金却投到非经济进口贸易上去了 。
【试题精练】She did not go out because of the____cold.
A. tense
B. intense
C. intensive
D. extensive
【答案】B. intense a. 强烈的,剧烈的(intense dislike/heat/hatred/happiness/desire/pam/anger/cold/suffering/excitement) 。tense a. 拉紧的;紧张的 。intensive a. 加强的,强化的,集中的 。extensive a. 广阔的,广泛的 。
intensify [in?tensifai] v. 加剧,加强,强化
intensity [in?tensiti] n. 强度;紧张;强烈
intensive [in?tensiv] a. 加强的,集中的,充分的
【试题精练】The patient's health failed to such an extent that he was put into______care.
A. intensive
B. rigid
C. tense
D. tight
【答案】A. intensive a. 加强的,集中的,强化的 。rigid a. 严格死板的;刚性的,刚硬的 。tense a. (绳子)拉紧的;(心情、气氛)紧张的 。tight a. 紧的,牢固的;紧身的,紧贴身的;(时间安排得)紧的 。
intention [in?ten?(?)n] n. 意图,意向,目的
【习惯用语】①by intention 故意②have no intention of doing…无意做……③the intention of a clause 条款的意旨
【长难例句】Your improper words will give rise to doubts concerning your true intentions. 用词不当会让人对你的真实意图产生怀疑 。
【试题精练】Charles has not the least______of giving up his research.
A. intention
B. idea
C. play
D. desire
【答案】A. have not the least intention of+动词ing形式,一点也不打算……;have not the least idea of对……一点也不了解(名词desire后面习惯上多要求跟不定式或介词for短语作定语,或跟that同位语从句) 。
intentional [in?ten??n(?)l] a. 有意识的,故意的
intercourse [?int?k??s] n. ①性交②交流,交往,交际
interface [?int?feis] n. 界面
interfere [int??fi?(r)] vi. 干涉,干扰;妨碍
【习惯用语】①interfere in 干涉,干预②interfere with妨碍;乱动;干涉,干扰;侮辱(女性)
interference [?int??fi?r?ns] n. 干涉,干扰;妨碍
【试题精练】The poor reception on your TV is probably due to outside______.
A. interference
B. inaccessibility
C. interruption
D. irregularity
【答案】A. interference n. 阻碍,干扰;干涉,介入 。inaccessibility n. 无法到达,无法接近;无法得到 。interruption n. (被)打断 。irregularity n. 不规则,不规律;不整齐 。
interim [?int?rim] n. 间歇(=intermission, interval, time-out)
interior [in?ti?ri?(r)] a. /n. 内部(的),内地(的),国内(的)
intermediate [?int??mi?di?t] a. 中间的,居中的;中级的
【同】middle, medium
intermittent [?int??mit?nt] a. 间歇的,断断续续的
internal [in?t??n(?)l] a. 内部的,国内的
interpret [in?t??prit] v. 解释,说明;口译
【长难例句】There is more agreement on the kinds of behavior referred to by the intelligence than there is on how to interpret or classify them. 人们对智力所指的有哪些不同表现,比对这些表现如何进行解释或分类,看法更为一致 。
【试题精练】The old man______the events of the time in accordance with his peculiar ideas.
A. understood
B. forecast
C. told
D. interpreted
【答案】D. interpret vt. 解释,说明; 口译,翻译(如He interpreted a difficult passage in a book. We have to interpret his words in a modern light.) 。forecast vt. 预测,预报 。
interpretation [in?t??pri?tei?(?)n] n. ①解释,说明;口译
interpreter [in?t??prit?(r)] n. 译员,口译者
interrupt [?int??r?pt] v. 中断,打断;阻碍
【试题精练】It's rude to______people when they are speaking.
A. interrupt
B. disrupt
C. interfere
D. intervene
【答案】A. interrupt v. 打断(某人讲话或正在进行的活动),打扰;中断,中止 。disrupt vt. 打乱,扰乱,使中断(正常的活动、安排、秩序等) 。interfere (in/with) vi. 干涉,介入;妨碍,干扰 。intervene革命 (in) vi. 干涉,干预;干扰;插话 。
interruption [?int??r?p?(?)n] n. ①打断,插话
intersection [?int??sek?(?)n] n. 道路交叉口,交点
interval [?int?v(?)l] n. ①间隔;间歇;(工间、课间)休息
【习惯用语】at intervals 每隔一段时间,每隔一段距离arranged at intervals of ten feet 以10英尺的间隔排列
intervene [?int??vi?n] vt. ①干预,干涉
【同】get involved
【派】intervention, intervener
intimate [?intim?t] a. ①亲密的,亲切的
【同】detailed, deep
【同】personal, private
【同】innermost, private, secret
【试题精练】When one calls a man "Jack" instead of "Mr. Hill", he is on______terms with him.
A. good
B. regular
C. formal
D. intimate
【答案】D. intimate (with) a. 亲密的,密切的;内心深处的,私下的 。(如She felt intimate with him; intimate friends; be on intimate terms with sb 与……关系亲密 。I cannot tell them my intimate thoughts.) 。be on good terms with sb 与……关系好(很少见on regular/formal terms with sb的说法) 。
intimidate [in?timideit] vt. 恐吓,威胁
intricate [?intrik?t] a. 错综复杂的,复杂精细的
intrigue [in?tri?ɡ] vt. 激起……的好奇心(或兴趣),迷住 vi. 耍阴谋,施诡计 n. 阴谋,诡计,密谋
intrinsic [in?trinsik] a. 固有的,本质的,内在的
intrude [in?tru?d] vi. 侵入,侵扰,打扰
intuition [intju??i?(?)n] n. ①直觉,直觉力
【同】instinct, insight, perception
【派】intuitive, intuitional, intuitionalist, intuitionalism
invade [in?veid] vt. 侵略,侵占,侵犯
invalid [?inv?li?d, ?inv?lid] n. 病人,残疾者
a. 有病的,残疾的
invaluable [in?v?lju?b(?)l] a. ①无法估价的
【同】priceless, precious, dear
【同】precious, valuable, valued
invariable [in?v??ri?b(?)l] a. ①不变的,一贯的②恒定的
invasion [in?vei?(?)n] n. 侵略,侵犯
【试题精练】In March Israel launched a major ______of Lebanon, seizing about 10 percent of the land.
A. intrusion
B. attack
C. invasion
D. aggression
【答案】C. invasion (of) n. 入侵,侵略,侵犯 。intrusion (on) n. 闯入,擅自进来 。attack (on/against) n. 攻击,进攻 。aggression (upon) n. 侵略(行动) 。
inventory [?inv?nt?ri; (US) ?inv?nt??ri] n. 详细目录,存货,财产清册,总量
inverse [in?v??s, ?inv??s] a. 倒转的,反转的
n. 反面
v. 倒转
invert [in?v??t] a. 转化的
vt. 使颠倒,使转化
n. 颠倒的事物
invest [in?vest] v. 投(资),购买(有用之物),授予,投资
investigate [in?vestiɡeitl vt. 调查,调查研究
【同】look into, explore, survey, inquire, examine
【派】investigation, investigator, investigative
【试题精练】A police officer was sent to______the crime.
A. search
B. investigate
C. survey
D. explore
【答案】B. investigate vt. 调查,调查研究 。search (for) vt. 搜,寻,探查 。survey vt. 调查,全面审视;俯瞰;测量 。explore vt. 探索,探究;探险,勘探 。
investigation [in?vesti?ɡei?(?)n] n. 调查,研究
investment [in?vestm?nt] n. 投资,可获利的东西
invisible [in?vizib(?)l] a. 看不见的,无形的
invitation [?invi?tei?(?)n] n. 邀请;请帖,请柬,鼓励
inviting [in?vaiti?] a. 吸引人的,诱人的
involve [in?v?lv] vt. 卷入,陷入;连累;包括
【同】take part in, participate in, concern, include, contain, embrace, comprise
【习惯用语】①be involved in 包含在……;与……有关;被卷入;专心地(做)②be involved with 涉及③become involved in 卷入,陷入
【长难例句】As can be seen from the comparison of these figures, the principle involves the active participation of the patient in the modification of his condition. 比较这些数据,我们可以看出,这一原则包括患者积极主动参与自己身体状况的改善 。
【试题精练】Wherever there is matter, there is energy, all changes of matter______changes in the form of the energy.
A. retain
B. include
C. contain
D. involve
【答案】D. involve vt. 包含,含有;(结果)就需要,使不得不;牵涉,关于(如The job involves little work. His work involves occasional journeys To accept the job would involve living abroad. This problem involves us all.) 。retain vt. 保留,保持include vt. 包括,包含 。contain vt. 包含,容纳(区分:involve主要表示“把……牵入,〈作为结果〉使……成为必要;include主要表示“整体中包括某项内容”;contain主要表示“〈容器〉容纳,〈里面〉装有”) 。
inward(s) [?inw?d(z)] a. 内部的,内在的
ironic(al) [ai?r?nik(?l)] a. 讽刺的,冷嘲的
irony [?ai?r?ni] n. 反语
【同】satire, ridicule
【派】ironical, ironically
irrespective [iri?spektiv] a. (of)不考虑的,不顾及的
irrigate [?iriɡeit] vt. ①灌溉
irritate [?iriteit] vt. ①使恼火,激怒
isle [ail] vt. 使孤立,隔离
【同】close off, segregate, separate
isolate [?ais?leit] vt. ①孤立,隔离
【同】separate, cut off
【派】isolation, isolator, isolationism, isolationist
【试题精练】The infected girl was______from the rest of the family.
A. dismissed
B. isolated
C. restrained
D. confined
【答案】B. isolate (from) vt. 使隔离,使孤立(如One should not isolate oneself from the masses. Persons who get infectious diseases are isolated in special hospitals.) 。dismiss vt. 解散;解雇,免……的职;(认为不重要而)不再考虑 。restrain (from) vt. 抑制,遏制(情绪、欲望);阻止,控制(使不做) 。confine (to) vt. 限制(在某范围内),使局限于 。
issue [?i?u?; ?isju?] v. 发行,发布
n. 问题,争端;发行(物)
【英语国际音标(基础词汇带音标)】【习惯用语】①at issue 在争论中;不一致,有分歧;待裁决的②bring an issue to a close 把问题解决③die without issue 死时无子嗣