
epidemic [?epi?demik] n. ①流行病,传染病
episode [?epis?ud] n. 插曲,片段
The little boy asking for "more" is one of the most famous____in Dickens' Oliver Twist.
A. episodes
B. adventures
C. plots
D. stories
【答案】A. episode n.(剧本、小说中的)插曲,片断;(连续剧中的)一集(如This novel deals with the romantic episodes of her early life. one of the funniest episodes in my life) 。adventure n. 冒险,冒险活动;奇遇 。plot n.(故事)情节 。story n. 故事 。
epoch [?i?p?k] n. 时代,纪元
equal [?i?kw(?)l] a. 相等的;平等的;胜任的
equality [i??kw?l?ti] n. 平等,同等
be on an equality (with) 与……平等
equation [i?kwei?(?)n] n. 方程(式),等式
equator [i?kweit?(r)] n. 赤道
equivalent [i?kwiv?l?nt] a. ①相等的
era [?i?r?] n. 纪元,时代
erase [i?reiz] vt. 擦掉,抹掉
erect [i?rekt] a. 直立的
The town____a monument to the memory of its heroes who had lost their lives during the war.
A. installed
B. erected
C. made
D. set
【答案】B. erect vt. 建造,建立;竖立(如The builder is going to erect a block of flats here. to erect a statue to somebody; to erect a house) 。instal(l) vt. 安装,设置(不能说make a monument;应说set up a monument) 。
erosion [i?r?u?(?)n] n. ①腐蚀,侵蚀,磨损②削弱,减少
erroneous [i?r?uni?s] a. 错误的,不正确的
escalate [?esk?leit] v.(使)逐步增长(或发展),(使)逐步升级
escort [?esk??t] vt. 护送,护卫,陪同
n. ①警卫,护送者②仪仗兵③防卫物
essence [?esns] n. ①本质,实质
essential [i?sen?(?)l] a. ①必不可少的;本质的
essential oils 精油
It's essential that people be psychological able to resist the impact brought about by the transition from planned economy to market economy. 人们必须能够从心理上抵制计划经济向市场经济过渡所带来的影响 。
【长难例句2】We must pour out a large stream of essential words, unhampered by stops, or qualifying adjectives, of finite verbs.我们在下笔时必须让长串表达意义的最基本词汇倾泻而出,不受句读停顿、限制修饰性形容词或限定性动词的牵制 。
【词义辨析】essential, indispensable和necessary
essential:表示这种内在需要对于事物的本质或目的来说是“必不可少的”,但需要的急迫性不如indispensable语气那么强烈,常与介词to, for连用 。indispensable:含有最强烈的、急迫的含义,尤其强调要达到某个目的或对于某事、某人的存在是绝对需要的 。necessary:无法避免的或相当迫切的需要,但并不指它绝对必不可少 。
【试题精练】Railways are____to the economic prosperity of the country.
A. essential
B. useful
C. reliable
D. preferable
【答案】A. essential (to) a.(定语或表语)必要的,必不可少的,非常重要的(如Water is essential to the growth of crops. Food is essential to life. Exercise and fresh air are essential for the preservation of health. It is essential for him to be prepared for this/that he be prepared for this.)(注意在这个句式中从句谓语需用虚拟式) 。useful (to) a. 有用的,有益的 。reliable a. (表语或定语)可靠的 。preferable (to) a. 更好的,更可取的,更合意的(注意:比较的对象前面要用介词to) 。
estate [i?steit] n. 财产,房地产
In his will he left a(n)____of over one million dollars to be divided among his children.
A. inheritance
B. abundance
C. wealth
D. estate
【答案】D. estate n. 财产,遗产;地产(如Even as he lay dying, they argued over his estate.) 。inheritance n. 继承;继承来的东西 。abundance n. 大量,丰富,充足(an abundance of大量的) 。wealth n. 财富,财产;丰富,大量(a wealth of大量的,很多的) 。
esteem [i?sti?m] n. 尊重,珍重
estimate [?estimeit] vt./n. 估计;评价
①at a rough estimate 据粗略估计②by estimate 照估计③form [make] an estimate of 给……作一估计;评价
Before he started work, I asked the builder to give me an____of the cost of repairing the roof.
A. assessment
B. announcement
C. estimate
D. evaluation
【答案】C. estimate n./vt. 估计,估价 。assessment n. 估价,评价,评估,看法 。announcement n. 宣布,宣告 。evaluation n. 评价,估价(注:assessment 多用于对财产进行估价以便纳税;evaluation 多指对客观的形势进行评估,如评估一个人的表现或能力,评估谈判结果,评估政治形势等) 。
eternal [i?t??n(?)l] a. 永久的,不朽的
ethnic [?eθnik] a. 种族的,人种的
ethos [?i?θ?s] n. 民族精神,社会思潮,风气
evacuate [i?v?kjueit] v. ①疏散,撤走
evaluate [i?v?ljueit] vt. 评价,估计,求……的值
v. 评价
evaporate [i?v?p?reit] v.(使)蒸发,消失
eve [i?v] n. 前夕
【习惯用语】①on St. Tib's Eve 永远不,绝不会(St. Tib 为虚构的圣徒名)②on the eve of 在……前夕③Saint Agnes's Eve【宗】元月20日夜(相传少女此夜履行某种宗教仪式,就可以得到有关未来夫婿的启示)
everlasting [?ev??lɑ?sti?] a. 永久的,不朽的
evident [?evid?nt] a. 明显的,显而易见的
evoke [i?v?uk] vt. 引起,唤起
evolution [?i?v??lu??(?)n; (US)?ev-] n. ①进化;演变
the evolution of the modern car 近代汽车的发展
【长难例句1】The remarkable variety of life on the Galopagos Islands inspired Charles Darwin to establish his theory of evolution. 加拉帕哥斯群岛上引人注目的各种各样的生物激发达尔文创立了进化论 。
【长难例句2】"Scientific" creationism, which is being pushed by some for "equal time" in the classrooms whenever the scientific accounts of evolution are given, is based on religion, not science.“科学的”创造论,中世纪以来一直都被人们在教室中不断传颂推动着,无论评估上的科学描述何时被给出,它都是以宗教为基础的,而不是以科学为基础 。
evolve [i?v?lv] v. (使)发展,(使)进化
【同】evolution, evolutionist
【试题精练】The British political system has ____over several centuries into its present state.
A. changed
B. evolved
C. expanded
D. survived
【答案】B. evolve (into)v.(使)进化,(使)演化;(使)发展,(使)演变(如They evolved a new plan. The simple plan evolved into a complicated scheme.) 。change v. 改变,变更 。expand v. 扩大,膨胀,扩张 。survive vi. 存活下来,幸存 。
exact [iɡ?z?kt] a. 精确的,确切的
【同】precise, accurate
【反】inexact, inaccurate, imprecise
【习惯用语】be more exact 更精密些;确切地说
exactly [iɡ?z?ktli] ad. ①正确地,精确地
【同】correctly, precisely, accurately
【同】strictly, sharply
【同】just, precisely
exaggerate [iɡ?z?d??reit] v. ①夸张,夸大
【同】overestimate, overstate, magnify ②膨胀
【试题精练】If you always____, people won't believe what you say.
A. exaggerate
B. expand
C. maximize
D. enlarge
【答案】A. exaggerate vt. 夸大,夸张(to exaggerate one's difficulties/one's own importance/the seriousness of a problem/another person's faults) 。expand vt. 扩大,膨胀,扩张 。maximize vt. 把……增加(或扩大)到最大限度;充分重视 。enlarge vt. 扩大,放大 。
exasperate [iɡ?zɑ?sp?reit]v. 使恼怒,激怒
exceedingly [ik?si?di?li] ad. 非常,极其
【试题精练】Your advice would be____valuable to him, who is at present at his wit's end.
A. exclusively
B. extensively
C. excessively
D. exceedingly
【答案】D. exceedingly ad. 极端地,非常 。exclusively ad. 专门地,排除其他地 。extensively ad. 广泛地 。excessively ad. 过分地,过度地 。
excel [ik?sel]vi. (at, in)突出,擅长 vt. 胜过,优于
exceptional [ik?sep??n(?)l] a. ①例外的,特别的,异常的
excerpt [?eks??pt] n. 摘录;选录,节录
excess [?ekses] n. ①超越,超过,超额量(=extra, overflow)
The money they took with them was considerably in____of what they needed.
A. short
B. lack
C. favour
D. excess
【答案】D. excess n. 超越,超过;过量,过剩,过度(如the excess of losses over profits/of imports over exports; have an excess of energy; Expenditure is $100 in excess of income. She is generous to excess.) 。in favour of 赞成,支持(不能说in short of/in lack of) 。
excessive [ik?sesiv] a. 过多的,过分的,过度的
____spending can lead to bankruptcy.
A. Extra
B. Excessive
C. Frugal
D. Unimportant
【答案】B. excessive a. 过多的,过分的,极度的(如The prices at this hotel are excessive. She takes an excessive interest in clothes.) 。extra a. 额外的,外加的 。frugal a. 节省的,节俭的;费钱少的 。unimportant a. 不重要的 。
excursion [ik?sk???(?)n] n. 远足,短途旅行
execute [?eksikju?t] vt. ①执行;处决
He asked his nephew to execute his will. 他请自己的侄子执行遗嘱 。
executive [iɡ?zekjutiv] a. ①执行的,行政的
②决策人,董事会 n. 执行者,行政官;经理
exemplify [iɡ?zemplifai] vt. ①是(或作为)……的典型(或榜样)②示例,举例证明
exempt [iɡ?zempt] v. 免除
a. 被免除的
【词义辨析】exercise, sport和athletics
exercise:指增进健康的活动 。sport:指以娱乐为主的运动竞技 。athletics:指竞赛的各种运动竞技 。
【试题精练】We cannot____our influence unless we have an organ.
A. execute
B. apply
C. play
D. exercise
【答案】D. exercise vt. 运用,行使(to exercise care/caution/restraint/patience; to exercise one's in fluence/intelligence/strength) 。execute vt. 实施,执行;处死,处决 。apply vt. 应用,运用 。play vt. 扮演,演出 。
exert [iɡ?z??t] vt. ①尽(力)
Jim had to____all his strength to pull the man out of the river.
A. exercise
B. dispose
C. exert
D. exhaust
【答案】C. exert vt. 使出(力气等);运用(影响,权力),施加(压力)(to exert oneself/all one's strength to+动词原形;exert authority/power, exert one's influence/pressure on sb) 。exercise vt. 运用(克制、谨慎、耐心、影响);行使(权力、权利) 。dispose v. 安排,处理;去掉,丢掉,销毁 。exhaust vt. 用尽,耗尽;使筋疲力尽 。
exhaust [iɡ?z??st] vt. ①耗尽;使精疲力竭
n. 排气装置;废气
①be exhausted by [with] 因……而疲劳②feel exhausted 感到疲劳
After a long walk on a hot day, one often feels____.
A. exhaust
B. exhausting
C. exhaustive
D. exhausted
【答案】D.(注:该答案先从exhaust解释起)exhaust vt. use/finish all; use up completely; make empty用尽,耗尽;(引申)使筋疲力尽(to exhaust oneself/one's strength by hard work“勤奋工作使自己筋疲力尽”) 。be exhausted a. 筋疲力尽的(如He was completely exhausted after a day's hard work) 。exhausting a. 令人疲劳的 。exhaustive a. 彻底的,寻根究底的,无遗漏的 。
exhausted [iɡ?z??stid] a. ①耗尽的
exhibition [?eksi?bi?(?)n] n. 展览,展览会
exile [?eksail] n. ①流放,放逐,充军
exit [?eksit] n. 出口,太平门;退场
exotic [eɡ?z?tik] a. ①奇异的,异乎寻常的,异国情调的
expedition [?ekspi?di?(?)n] n. ①远征(队),探险(队),考察(队)
expel [ik?spel] vt. ①赶出,驱逐,开除
【词义辨析】experience, suffer和sustain experience:指通过实际生活或体验直接了解某种感觉、激情或某个特殊的场合 。suffer:有明显的受伤害或受委屈和艰辛之意,有时亦指单纯经历某事 。sustain:表示忍受痛苦、折磨或负担,但暗含缺乏抵抗痛苦及承受负担所必备的勇气 。
expert [?eksp??t] n. 内行,专家,能手
be expert in [at]… 在……方面是专家
【长难例句】Experts say walking is one of the best ways for a person to stay healthy. 专家们说散步是人们保持健康的最佳方法之一 。
【词义辨析】expert, proficient, skilled和skillful
expert:意为“熟练的”,用于形容技能的卓越或有特殊的才能 。proficient:意为“精通的,熟练的”,指经过训练而能力超群 。skilled:意为“熟练的”,指对某一行或某种手工艺的全部细节非常精通,也指具有某种艺术或专业的技巧 。skillful:意为“灵巧的,熟练的”,指在操作或做某事时灵巧而熟练 。
expertise [?eksp??ti?z] n. ①专门知识,专长
【长难例句】Expertise can be shared world wide through teleconferencing, and problems in dispute can be settled without the participants leaving their homes and/or jobs to travel to a distant conference site. 通过远程会议,专家知识可以在全世界范围内被分享,而争论的问题能够得到解决,同时相关人员也不必离开他们的家庭或工作跑到一个遥远的开会地点 。
expire [ik?spai?(r)]v. 期满,终止,呼气,断气,届满
explicit [ik?splisit] a. 明晰的,清楚的
【词义辨析】explode, burst和erupt
explode:多指火药、瓦斯一类物品的爆炸 。burst:多指血管、气球、堤坝等一类的爆破 。erupt:指火山的爆发 。
exploit [ik?spl?it] vt. 剥削;利用;开发
【试题精练】You must____every opportunity to learn new things.
A. exercise
B. execute
C. exert
D. exploit
【答案】D. exploit vt. 利用;开拓,开发;剥削(to exploit an opportunity/an issue; The capitalists exploit the workers; to exploit oil under the sea) 。exercise vt. 运用,行使(权力、影响、耐心、谨慎等) 。execute vt. 实施,执行 。exert vt. 使出(力气);运用(权力);施加(影响) 。
exploitation [?ekspl?i?tei??n] n. ①利用,剥削
explosion [ik?spl?u?(?)n] n. 爆炸,爆发;激增
explosive [ik?spl?usiv] a. ①爆炸性的,易爆炸的
The question of race today is an explosive one. 种族问题在今天是一个会引起激烈争论的问题 。
expose [ik?sp?uz; (US) eksp??zei] n. 炸药,爆炸物 vt. ①暴露,揭露
【习惯用语】expose…to 使……受到,使……朝向……,使……接触……
【试题精练】Is it advisable to____our body to the sunlight?
A. reveal
B. display
C. expose
D. show
【答案】C. expose (to) vt. 暴露;揭露;使处于……的作用(或影响)下(如Don't expose the film to light. to expose a spy/a conspiracy. expose sb to danger) 。reveal vt. 揭露,泄露,让人知道;展现,显示 。display vt. 陈列,展览;显示 。show vt. 显示,出示;表明,证明;vi. 显现,露面 。
exposure [ik?sp?u??(r)] n. ①暴露,面临②揭露,揭发
Too much____to X-rays can cause skin burns, cancer or other damage to the body.
A. disclosure
B. exhibition
C. contact
D. exposure
【答案】D. exposure (to) n. 暴露于;曝光;揭露 。disclosure(of) n. 透露,显示 。exhibition (of) n. 展览(会) 。contact (with) n. 接触,联系 。
expression [ik?spre?(?)n] n. ①表达;措辞,词句;表情
②感情 read with expression 有感情地朗读
【习惯用语】①beyond [past] expression 无法形容,难以表达②find expression in 表现为,在……中表现出来,用……表示③find an expression for 为……找出一种表达方式;设法表达出
【长难例句】And it is in the public schools that we find the full expression of society's understanding—the knowledge, hopes, and fears that are passed on to the next generation. 正是在公立学校中我们才会发现社会知性——那些会传给下一代的知识、希望和恐惧的全面表现 。
【试题精练】I could tell he was surprised from the____on his face.
A. appearance
B. sight
C. expression
D. feature
【答案】C. expression n.(面部)表情,脸色 。appearance n. 外貌,外观;出现,露面 。sight n. 视力,视觉;情景,奇观;(pl.)风景,名胜 。feature n. 特征,特色;(pl.)面貌,相貌 。
exquisite [?ekskwizit] a. ①精美的,精致的
extend [ik?stend] v. ①延长,延伸;扩大;给予
He extended his arms in front of him as if he were praying to God. 他向前伸出双臂,好像在向上帝祷告求助 。
【习惯用语】①extend for 延续……(距离)②extend from 从……伸出来③extend from… into…从……延伸[插]到……里
extension [ik?sten?(?)n] n. ①伸展(部分),延伸(部分),扩大(部分)
extensive [ik?stensiv] a. ①广泛的,广阔的
extensive damage 重大损害
【试题精练】On a small farm in a dry climate one should not grow crops that need____space and a lot of water to ripen.
A. considerable
B. significant
C. extensive
D. quantitative
【答案】C. extensive a. 广阔的,广泛的 。considerable a.(数量或规模上)相当大的,相当多的 。significant a. 相当数量的;重要的,意义重大的;意味深长的 。quantitative a.(数)量的,定量的 。
extent [ik?stent] n. 程度;广度;范围
【习惯用语】①to a certain extent 在一定程度上,有几分,部分地 ②to a great extent 很大程度上,非常 ③to some extent 某种程度上,(多少)有一点
exterior [ek?sti?ri?(r)] a. 外部的,外面的,外表的
external [ek?st??n(?)l] a. ①额外的,外加的,超额的
external trade 国外贸易
This local newspaper doesn't pay much attention to external affairs. 这家地方报纸不太注重国外新闻 。
【长难例句】Interest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves. 人们之所以关注历史研究的方法论,主要是因为史学界内部意见不一,其次是因为外界并不认为历史是一门学问 。
extinguish [ik?sti?ɡwi?]vt. ①熄灭,扑灭
extra [?ekstr?] a. 额外的,外加的
ad. 特别地
n. ①额外的事物,另外的收费
extract [?ekstr?kt] vt. ①(用力)拔出,抽出
extraordinary [ik?str??din?ri; (US)-d?neri] a.
an extraordinary session 临时会议
extravagant [ik?str?v?ɡ?nt] a. ①奢侈的,铺张的②过度的,过分的,(言行等)放肆的
He lives at the extreme edge of the forest. 他住在森林的最边上 。
eyebrow [?aibrau] n. 眉毛
【七下英语单词表(八上英语单词表_1)】eyesight [?aisait] n. 视力,视野

