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The Dragon Boat Festival besides the need to eat zongzi, also, of course,dragon boat!
I most like to see is the condition of dragon boat racing, dozens of sailorhand paddles, run out whole body with the hand to paddle, high water gesture gasdrum roll, hard knocks the regular drum up a bit. "Come on, come on! Thecheerleaders of the field were filled with the sound of thundering, Shouting andShouting, and the sailors were forced to row more. The spectacle of the dragonboat race is so spectacular, so fierce, that it is unique and is a symbol of theDragon Boat Festival tradition.
【高三英语|高三端午节英语作文分享】Eating zongzi and racing dragon boat RACES, these two traditional customs,together weaves a hot and noisy Dragon Boat Festival.
Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Boat race is a unique folk activities, thecauses of this event is to commemorate one of ancient China during the greatpoet - Qu Yuan established.
I am fortunate enough to see a dragon-boat race, because my father just theday time, so our whole family to see the dragon-boat race. Dragon-boat race toreach the venue, the shore on both sides has long been the people watching Waiwas packed, and I saw a gap on the bridge, perhaps family members crowded thepast. This position clear at a glance down the entire river.
Dragon-boat race began, each boat is like a arrow, the一个劲forward, everyboat is tied to many of the following are dumplings, each step forward, thereare people on the boat with a knife to cut rice dumplings thrown into the waterthe next. Each dragon boat is not at the speed of up and down: on the 1st minutelead on the 8th again and pretty soon to catch up with the. Van
Suddenly, it seems efforts to increase boating hand, each only a fasterboat. At this time, the hands began to beat the drum-ming, rowing hand isimmediately followed by the rhythm of the : "Thunk! Thunk! Ho! Ho! Ho ho ho。"seems to boost the morale of God , has started drizzling. Really drum! Voice!Cheers! Blast sound! Rain! Sweat! Compatible with the river water!
Dragon pace, as if in the long rapid river groups in the FT. Gradually,gradually. 1, 5, 9, constitute the leading group. 100 meters! 50 meters! 20meters. . . . . . The end draws near, only 5 of the power of the outbreak out ofcontrol! Two dragon boat to the back of far left behind, and then the finishline of the!
Dragon-boat race is a fierce competitionah!赛龙舟是端午节的一种独特的民俗活动,这个活动的起因是为纪念我国古代时的一伟大的诗人——屈原而设立的 。
我今年有幸去看了一次赛龙舟,因为爸爸当天正好有空,所以我们全家去看赛龙舟 。到达赛龙舟的场地时,岸两边早已被围观的人们围得水泄不通了,我看了桥上的一个空挡,便叫家人挤了过去 。这个位置居高临下整个江面一目了然 。
赛龙舟开始了,每只龙舟都像一支离弦的箭,一个劲的向前冲,每一只龙舟下面都都绑着不少粽子,每向前一步,龙舟上都有人用刀子把粽子斩下扔进水里 。每只龙舟的速度都不分上下:一会儿1号,不一会儿8号又追上了 。突然,划船手好像力气大增,每一只龙舟的速度更快了 。这时,击鼓手开始鸣鼓了,划船手顿时很有节奏的跟着喊起:“咚!咚!咚咚咚!嗬!嗬!嗬嗬嗬 。”天公也好像来助威,开始下起了毛毛细雨 。真是鼓声!人声!助威声!声声震耳!雨水!汗水!江水水水相容!
龙舟的速度越来越快,仿佛龙群在江水中急速飞腾 。渐渐的,渐渐的 。1号,5号,9号构成了集团 。100米!50米!20米 。终点越来越近,只见5号的力量一发不可收拾的爆发了!把后面的两条龙舟远远地甩在后面,然后冲线了!
端午节到咯!我们家特地买来一盒粽子来欢度端午 。我津津有味地品尝着美味的粽子,不禁赞道:“真是好吃,希望每天都是端午节 。”话音刚落,我就听见妈妈足以传遍整栋楼的尖叫,我和爸爸急忙赶过去 。
只见妈妈指着一个房间的门,惊恐地说:“这怎么回事!”我和爸爸不约而同地往门内一望,同时被吓到了 。我的天啊!这房间里面摆得全都是大大小小的盒装粽子!我连忙掐了自己一下,“哎哟,痛死我了……看来不是梦……”
“你去!”爸爸妈妈互相对望一眼,极有默契地双手一推,把我推入“粽海” 。
“胆小鬼!”我一边抱怨一边望向粽子包装盒 。只见盒子上赫然写着几个大字“雷神牌粽子”,然后下面是一个造型惊人的“神”,后面跟着歌词“偶雷偶雷偶雷偶雷……”我愕然,难道这就是传说中的“雷神”!
为了解决这不速之客——“雷神牌粽子”,我和爸妈访亲拜友,白送粽子 。送的人家都不好意思要了 。哪知送完了一批粽子还剩一大堆,堆的跟山一样高 。
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