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"We had a number of questions on the interest in learning," says Wolf. Forsmall-business owners, the study shows curiosity isn't just about learning fromthe trenches, it's about looking for answers outside of yourself and yourbusiness.
Technology is a key point of leverage for success-oriented small-businessowners. They more intensely value their companies' websites and aresignificantly more likely to "rely a great deal on technology to help make ourbusiness more effective and more efficient."
Wolf notes that the "tech-savvy" dimension doesn't mean blindly going the wayof any new technology that comes along. "It's being aware of new technology, andthen making choices based on what technology fits within the company's industryand mission," he says. Sometimes the best technology decision is not high-techat all--think Rich Miller's highly sought "Capitol Fax" newsletter.
Success-oriented small-business owners are more committed to "taking thebusiness to the next level"; "differentiating ourselves from our competitors";and "having something to sell when I'm ready to retire." They also see adversityas a "kick in the rear to help move you forward." Not surprisingly, they areless concerned than other small-business owners about the overall state of theeconomy.
"When you hear these traits or see them, they make such perfect sense for thesmall-business owner who is passionate about what they are doing," says Greene."These successful people are lifelong learners, and the most valuable point ofthe six dimensions is that they can all be learned."
"The Guardian Life Index: What Matters Most to America's Small BusinessOwners" was conducted by the Guardian Life Small Business Research Institute, asubsidiary of the Guardian Life Insurance Company of America.
小企业是指员工总数少于500人的企业 。美国有2960万个小企业,占企业总数的99% 。但在过去15年间,他们创造了美国66%的新岗位,GDP的50%和全国薪资总额的44% 。
成功的小企业主是否有着不同于常人的特质?有关机构对1100家成功的的小企业进行了调查 。结果显示,企业主的六大个性特征决定了小企业的成功 。
成功的小企业主懂得如何有效地在企业内部授权,与管理层、咨询机构、供应商和客户建立强大的个人关系 。不论在公司内部还是外部,建立人脉都是发展的基础,同时也为他人提供机会,使彼此互相依赖,创造新的商机 。
成功的小企业主更倾向于“做自己喜欢做的事情”,“自己决定要赚多少钱”,“从创造价值中获得满足 。”说到底,企业家精神是私人的事情,个人实现的感觉和对自我职业生涯的掌控,能够帮助个人迈向成功 。
成功的小企业主对短期和长期的未来都有规划,他们更关注资金流,既有长期发展的年度整体规划,也有详实的每日计划 。把愿景化为切实的行动,才能获得成功的回报 。
成 功的小企业主通常愿意借鉴同行的成功经验 。他们主动追踪管理、创新、行业前景的最新发展成果,也注重发现、激励和保留员工 。不仅在工作中学习,也从自身和业务之外获得灵感 。
科技是小企业成功的主要因素 。他们花力气制作公司的网站,依靠科技使业务效果更好,效率更高 。对科技的敏感性并不意味着盲目地运用最先进科技,而是按照自身的业务特点和发展需要,有选择地使用科技产品 。有时候,最好的科技决定未必需要最新的高科技的支持 。
成功的小企业主更多 地致力于将业务提升到新的阶段,重视产品的差异化,希望在退休时仍有产品可供销售 。他们视竞争对手为发展动力,而鲜少关系整个宏观经济局势 。他们对工作充满热情,终生学习是最重要的成功因素 。
标题:BEC阅读|BEC阅读2020( 四 )