
_本文原题:【言谈录】不去伤害 , 也不被伤害

We want psychological security first; psychologically to be safe, we want in our relationship to be completely secure - my permanent wife! Or if that permanency doesn't exist with that woman, I will try and find it with another woman. You may laugh at this, but this is what is happening in the world. Probably this is what has happened to you. And perhaps that is why you laugh it off very quickly.
我们首先想得到心理上的安全;为了在心理上得到安全 , 我们就希望我们的关系是绝对安全的——我永远的妻子!或者 , 如果和那个女人无法长久 , 我就努力在另一个女人身上找到 。 你们也许会笑 , 但这就是世界上实际发生的事情 。 可能这也在你身上发生了 。 或许这就是你们这么快就笑了的原因 。
One has to enquire very deeply whether there is any security, permanency in life, inwardly. Or is the search for inward security, which is ultimately god, illusory, and therefore there is no security, psychologically, but only that supreme intelligence - not of books, not of knowledge - that comes, exists only where there is love and compassion. That intelligence then acts. You may say, "All this is so far fetched, so complicated", but it isn't. Life - living is a very complex process. You must know all that much more than the speaker does. Getting to the office, to the factory - our whole way of living is a very complex process.
你必须非常深入地探究 , 生活中究竟是否有任何内在的安全和永恒可言 。 还是说 , 对内在安全的追求——其终极形式就是上帝——是虚幻的 , 因而心理上根本不存在安全 , 而只有那种至高无上的智慧——它并非来自于书本或者知识——而是只有当爱和慈悲出现时 , 那种智慧才会到来 。 然后那种智慧就会行动 。 你或许会说 , “这些都太不着边际了 , 太复杂了” , 但并不是这样 。 生命——生活——是一个非常复杂的过程 。 这点你肯定比讲话者还要了解 。 去办公室、去工厂上班——我们的整个生活方式是一个非常复杂的过程 。
And that which is complex must be approached with great simplicity. To be psychologically simple, not stupidly simple, but to see the quality of simplicity. The word 'innocence' means, etymologically, not to hurt, and not to be hurt. But we are hurt from childhood by the parents, by the fellow students, through university and so on, we are perpetually being wounded psychologically. And that hurt we carry through life, with all its agony. When one is hurt there is always the fear of being hurt again, so one builds a wall round oneself and resists. But never to be hurt is simplicity.
而复杂的事物必须以极其简单的方式来处理 。 内心要简单 , 不是愚蠢的简单 , 而是明白简单这项品质 。 “纯真”这个词在语源学上的意思是 , 不去伤害也不被伤害 。 但我们从小直到大学一直被父母、被同学所伤害;我们心理上永远都在受伤 。 我们毕生都背负着这些伤害 , 以及它们所导致的痛苦 。 当你受到了伤害 , 你就总是害怕会再次受伤 , 于是你围绕自己竖起一堵高墙来抵御伤害 。 然而 , 绝不会受伤就是简单 。
Now with that simplicity to approach the very complex problem of life, which is the art of living. And all this requires a great deal of energy, passion, and a great sense of freedom to observe. 分页标题
现在就用这种简单来处理生活这个非常复杂的问题 , 而这就是生活的艺术 。 这些都需要巨大的能量和激情 , 以及一种非同寻常的去观察的自由 。
On Conflict, San Francisco, 1984
《终结生命中的冲突》 , 旧金山 , 1984年

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