
_本文原题:【言谈录】正因为没有爱 , 所以你才假装要改变

It is because you have no love that you pretend to change; on the circumference you reform, but the core is empty. You will know how to act totally only when you know what it means to love.
正因为没有爱 , 所以你才假装要改变:你只是在边缘作改革 , 中心仍然是空洞的 。 只有当你了解何为爱时 , 你才会知道如何去完整地行动 。
Sirs, we have developed our minds, we are so-called intellectuals, which means that we are full of words, explanations, techniques. We are disputatious, clever at arguing, at opposing one opinion with another. We have filled our hearts with the things of the mind, and that is why we are in a state of contradiction. But love is not easily come by. You have to work hard for it.
先生们 , 我们都开发了自己的头脑 , 都是所谓的知识分子 , 也即意味着我们的头脑装满了各种字眼、解释和技术 。 我们都好争辩 , 善于争论 , 善用各种观念互相反驳 。 我们的心灵塞满了头脑里的这些东西 , 这就是为什么我们总处于矛盾之中 。 爱是不会轻易到来的 , 你必须为之付出努力 。
Love is difficult to understand - difficult in the sense that to understand it you have to know where reason is necessary and go with reason as far as possible, and also know its limitations. This means that, to understand what it is to love, there must be self-knowledge - not the knowledge of Shankara, Buddha, or Christ, which you gather from books. Such books are just books, they are not divine revelations.
而要去了解爱是很难的——很难的意思是:去了解它 , 你就必须知道何处需要理性 , 并尽可能要保持理性 , 但同时又要对理性的局限有所了解 。 这也意味着 , 要对爱的真相有所了解 , 就必须有自我了解——不是去了解大师、佛陀或者基督 , 这些都能从书中了解到 。 这样的书也就只是本书而已 , 并非什么神圣的启示 。
The divine revelation comes into being only through self-knowledge; and you can know yourself, not according to the pattern of some psychologist, but only by observing how your thought is functioning, that is, by watching yourself from moment to moment as you get into the bus, as you talk to your children, to your wife, to your servant.
只有通过自我了解 , 才会有神圣的启示 。 你是无法依据某个心理学家的模式 , 去对你自己有所了解的 , 只有通过观察你自己的思想是如何运作的——也即 , 当你上车 , 当你和自己的小孩、妻子或者佣人讲话时 , 时时刻刻地对你自己作观察 , 这样你才能对自己有所了解 。
So if you know yourself, you will know what it means to love, and out of that there is total action, which is the only good action. No other action is good, however clever, however profitable, however reformatory. But to love, you need immense humility - which is just to be humble, not to cultivate humility.
因此 , 如果你了解了自己 , 你就会了解何为爱 , 由此就会产生整体的行动 , 而这是唯一良善的行动 , 其他的都不是 , 无论这种行动有多么机敏 , 多么有利或者多么创新 。 而若要爱 , 你就要虚怀若谷——你本身就是谦虚的 , 而非培养谦虚 。分页标题
To be humble is to be sensitive to everything about you, not only to the beautiful, but also to the ugly; it is to be sensitive to the stars, to the stillness of an evening, to the trees, to the children, to the dirty village, to the servant, to the politician, to the tramcar driver. Then you will see that your sensitivity, which is love, has an answer to the many problems of life, because love is the answer to all the problems which the mind creates.
谦虚就是对你周围的一切都很敏感 , 不仅仅对美好的事物 , 也对丑陋的事物敏感 , 对繁星、夜晚的宁静以及树木很敏感 , 对孩子们、对脏乱的村庄、对佣人、警察、电车司机都很敏感 。 如此你就会看到 , 你的敏感 , 也即爱 , 解决了我们生活中的诸多难题 , 因为爱就是对思想所制造出来的各种问题的解答 。
Love is to be found directly by each one of us, and not at the feet of a guru, or through any book. Love must be found alone, because it is uncontaminated, pure, and you must come to it completely stripped of greed, of envy, and all the stupidities of society which have made the mind limited, small, petty. Then there is a total action, and that total action is the answer to man's problems, not the separate activities of the reformer, the planner, and the politician.
爱是由每个人自己直接发现的 , 而非通过投靠某个古鲁 , 或者通过某本书 。 爱必须自己独自去发现 , 因为爱是纯净、纯粹的 , 所以你必须彻底剥离掉贪婪、嫉妒 , 以及社会的一切愚昧 , 这些愚昧致使头脑变得局限、渺小而琐碎 , 然后爱才能到来 。 接着才会产生整体的行动 , 这种整体的行动就可以解决人类的各种问题 , 而非改革家、规划师和政客们那些四分五裂的行动 。
Action, 'Total Action'
《生活即是行动》 , 第五章
