1.总有一天 , 我会成为一个小老太 , 因为 , 我的心事已经是一片浩渺的海 。
One day, I will become a little old lady, because my mind is already a vast sea.
2.我翻越十万座大山 , 只为追寻你的气息 。 当真实的你站在我面前的时候 , 我却不悲不喜不怨也不爱 。
I crossed over 100,000 mountains, just to trace your breath. When the real you stand in front of me, I am not sad, unhappy, unhappy, or loving.
3.这些年来 , 我从来都不是你喝醉时突然叫出口的名字 , 我只是这么多年一直站在你右侧 , 与你谈天说地 , 陪你成长的女子 。
Over the years, I have never been the name you suddenly called out when you were drunk. I have only been standing on your right side for so many years, talking to you and growing up with you.
4.有些事 , 只需放到心里就好了 , 不要说出来;有些人 , 只需你一直去远远的凝望 , 不能去接近 。 因为你要相信 , 你爱过 , 努力过 , 就是最值得珍贵的 。 因为 , 那些根本就不属于你 。
Some things, just put it in your heart, don't say it; some people, as long as you keep staring far away, can't get close. Because you have to believe that you have loved and worked hard the most. Because, those don't belong to you at all.
5.你爱的你想的你牵挂的 , 最终会输给对你好的 。 时间会告诉我 , 那段难挨的日子我是如何走过来;时间也会告诉你 , 你是如何失去一个愿意用生命爱你的人 。
It is enough to scrape a letter of thanks for scratching the prize, and the same is true for love. There is no need to scrape the four words of thanks to patronize before you let go.
6.望着你离开的背影 , 我告诉自己要坚强 , 不哭 , 是因为爱你 , 更是因为懂你 。
Looking at the back when you left, I told myself to be strong and not cry because I love you and even know you.
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