
哥釉青花又称"碎纹素地青花"、"纹片釉青花" , 集纹片釉与青花工艺为一体的瓷彩 。 特点是青花彩瓷上罩以纹片釉 , 由于碎片纹很象哥窑釉的开片 , 故名"哥釉青花" 。
Elder brother glaze blue and white, also known as "broken grain plain blue and white", "flake glaze blue and white", set flake glaze and blue and white technology as one of the porcelain color. It is characterized by the blue and white porcelain covered with flake glaze, because the flake grain is very similar to the opening glaze ge kiln, hence the name "Ge glaze blue and white".
哥釉器 , 亦名碎釉瓷 , 始于宋代 , 是宋代五大名窑之一 , 但宋代哥釉传世极少 。 哥釉瓷有一个重要的特征是釉面开片 , 这是瓷器釉面的一种自然开裂现象 。 明代时期 , 景德镇成功烧制哥釉器 。 从永宣至成化 , 哥釉瓷已经达到了尽善尽美的程度 , 尤以成化仿哥釉瓷瓶、斗笠碗、炉等为主流 , 釉层莹润 , 光泽内敛 , 也成功烧出了金钩铁线 。
Ge glaze ware, also known as broken glaze porcelain, began in the Song Dynasty, is one of the five famous song Kiln, but the Song Dynasty ge glaze handed down few. One of the important features of ge glaze porcelain is the opening of the glaze, which is a kind of natural cracking of the glaze. In Ming Dynasty, Jingdezhen successfully fired ge glaze ware. From Yongxuan to Chenghua, Ge glaze porcelain has reached the level of perfection, especially with Chenghua imitation Ge glaze porcelain bottle, bamboo hat bowl, furnace and so on as the mainstream, the glaze layer is shiny and smooth, the luster inside is converged, also successfully fired the gold hook wire.



此藏品为“哥釉青花碗”哥釉为失透的乳浊釉 , 釉面泛一层酥光 , 釉面大小纹片结合 , 这是传世哥釉的主要特征之一 。 此哥釉碗给人以稳重、典雅之感 , 堪称国之重宝 , 弥足珍贵 。 虽然经历无穷岁月的洗礼 , 但如今保存依然极为完好 。 造型规整大方 , 轮廓亦柔和流畅 , 极为瑰丽 , 具有极高的收藏和历史价值 。
【glaze|【精品推荐】哥釉青花碗赏析】This collection is the "Elder brother glaze blue and white bowl". The elder brother glaze is opaque glaze, with a layer of crisp glaze and a combination of glaze size and grain, which is one of the main characteristics of the elder brother glaze. This brother glaze bowl gives a person with sedate, elegant sense, can be called the country's heavy treasure, very precious. Although it has survived countless years, it is still very well preserved. The shape is regular and generous, the outline is also soft and smooth, extremely magnificent, with high collection and historical value.
中国是世界上著名的陶瓷古国 , 早在八千年前的新石器时代 , 我们的祖先就已经制造和使用了陶器 , 瓷器则更是我们中国的发明 , 尤其哥釉的出现 , 对人类文明的发展有着十分重要的意义 。 虽然哥釉制作极其困难 , 但是极为美观 , 哥釉是古代瓷器崛起的契机 , 在后世备受人们青睐 , 清乾隆帝尤喜赏传世哥釉 , 尝欣然作诗赞云:“铁足圆腰冰裂纹 , 宣成踵此夫华纷 。 哥釉瓷器 , 由于极其稀少 , 极具收藏和升值价值 。分页标题
China is a famous ancient pottery country in the world. As early as eight thousand years ago in the Neolithic Age, our ancestors had already made and used pottery. Porcelain was the invention of China. Although the glazes were extremely difficult to make, they were very beautiful. The glazes were the opportunity for the rise of ancient porcelain and were favored by people in later ages. Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty was particularly pleased to admire the glazes handed down from ancient times. Glaucous porcelain, being extremely rare, is of great value for collection and appreciation.