寒山诗歌翻译 | 寒山-《极目兮长望》

_本文原题:诗歌翻译 | 寒山-《极目兮长望》
大意:我尽力的张开双眼眺望远方 , 只见四周白云弥漫看不清楚 。 鹞鹰和乌鸦都吃得饱饱的臃肿得无法高飞 , 鸾鸟和凤凰却忍饥挨饿彷徨不定 。 骏马被放逐在无水无草的戈壁滩 , 跛脚的毛驴却被牵到高堂委与重任 。 我想要问问苍天 , 人间为什么这么多不平事 , 但苍天高高在上无法追问 , 只好看着鹪鹩自由自在的飞翔在江海之上 。

寒山诗歌翻译 | 寒山-《极目兮长望》
极目兮长望 , 白云四茫茫 。
鸱鸦饱腲腇 , 鸾凤饥彷徨 。
骏马放石碛 , 蹇驴能至堂 。
天高不可问 , 鹪鵊在沧浪 。
【寒山诗歌翻译 | 寒山-《极目兮长望》】A Traveler Brings Messages, Waiting While I Read
From my heights I stare into an opaque sky;
Thick clouds, though white, obscure the lower peaks.
These rumors abound: the carrion crow eats fresh meat;
The phoenix pecks for grubs from village to village;
Horses fast as wind are exiled via pitted roads;
They pass donkeys bearing empty vessels to court.
The dense clouds say, "Do not ask Heaven why.”
Yet we nesting birds are cast into a heaving stream.